
shā kuàng
  • placer;mine;placer deposits;drift mine
砂矿[shā kuàng]
  1. 砂矿钻探新方法&中心取样(CSR)钻探法

    A New Placer Drilling Method & the Center Sample Recovery Method

  2. 这种夷平面的切割深度超过100m时,有利于新砂矿的形成。

    Such Planation surface with a cutting depth greater than 100 m is favourable for the formation of new gold placer .

  3. 采用电子探针分析(EPMA),对缅甸铂族金属砂矿中的矿物种类进行了研究。

    A mineralogical investigation of platinum-group metal placers from Burma was made by electron probe microanalysis ( EPMA ) .

  4. 介绍了澳大利亚综合钻进工艺、空气反循环砂矿钻探设备与工艺、金刚石钻头的制造与使用情况,以及TK-75S绳索取心冲击回转钻具的试用情况。

    In this paper comprehensive drilling techniques of Australia , including air counter circulation drilling apparatus and equipments , the status quo of diamond bit making and using , and trial test results of wire-line coring percussive-rotary drilling tools ( model TK-75S ), are introduced .

  5. 海南岛海岸砂矿开采区的生态退化及恢复

    Ecological Degradation and Restoration in Coastal Mining Sites in Hainan Island

  6. 海滨砂矿精选新工艺的研究

    Study on the nwe technology for the cleaning of beach placer

  7. 山东沿岸海滨砂矿的可能分布

    Potential distribution of placer deposits along the coast of Shandong Province

  8. 残坡积型钛铁矿砂矿粗选工艺的研究

    Study on the rough concentration process for the residual ILMENITE PLACER

  9. 滨海砂矿开采新方法的研究

    The Study on the New Method for Exploiting Deep Beach Placer

  10. 辽宁岫岩软玉砂矿的成因及资源保护

    The origin of Liaoning Xiuyan nephrite placer resources and their protection

  11. 福建滨海石英砂矿的形成特征

    The Formation Characteristics of Littoral Quartz Sand Deposit in Fujian Province

  12. 钻探是苏联勘探砂矿矿床的一种有效手段。

    Drilling is an important means in prospecting placer deposits there .

  13. 工程勘察钻机和砂矿钻机之间具有许多共同之处。

    Site investigation drill and placer exploration drill have much in common .

  14. 广东滨海砂矿成矿时代的初步研究

    Preliminary study of the mineralization epoch of littoral placers in Guangdong Province

  15. 砂矿开采:从冲积层回收黄金的最古老方法。

    Placer mining : Oldest method of recovering gold from alluvial deposits .

  16. 山东省滨海砂矿成矿规律及远景区划

    Littoral Placers Forming Rule and Prospecting Divisions in Shandong Province

  17. 长江口航道疏浚与水域砂矿资源综合利用

    Channel dredging and exploitation of sand mineral resources in Yangtze River estuary

  18. 海滨砂矿中金红石矿综合利用研究

    Study on multipurpose use of rutile in sea beach placer

  19. 滨海砂矿开采用气举和振荡脉冲射流的研究

    Study on Airlift and Oscillation Pulsed Jet in Exploiting Deep Beach Placer

  20. 山东省近海砂矿分类及其基本特征

    Classification and characteristics of the coastal and offshore placer deposits in Shandong

  21. 砂矿钻探技术

    A drilling technique applied to the exploration of placer deposits

  22. 沅江流域宝石级金刚石砂矿特征

    Characteristics of the jewel grade placer diamond deposit in Yuanjiang River Valley

  23. 谈伊朗某地石英砂矿选矿试验中所运用的原矿性质分析方法

    Raw Ore Property Analysis Methods Used in Iranian Quartz Sand Dressing Test

  24. 山东省近海砂矿资源类型划分及开发前景

    Types and Exploration Future of Offshore Sand Mineral Resource in handong Province

  25. 海滨砂矿采选工艺自动控制的研究

    Study on automatic control of mining and mineral processing for beach placer

  26. 世上不需要更多油砂矿

    The world does not need any more tar mines .

  27. 潜水层以下海滨砂矿毛矿精选新工艺研究

    Study on new technology for concentration of raw material from deep beach placer

  28. 福建滨海砂矿的形成与远景

    Present status and Prospect of coastal placers in Fujian

  29. 挖掘法现在是最重要的砂矿开采的方法。

    Dredging is the most important placer-mining method today .

  30. 山东半岛滨海砂矿特征

    Characters of the coastal placer deposits , shandong Peninsula