
A preliminary discussion on compilation of geological report of closing mine
After the pit was closed tailings utilization and small fragmentary ore bodies development should be concerned .
Calculated the permissible mining yield and forecasted the groundwater levels before and after the mining period by finite element method ;
Practical experience of residual pillar resources recovery during old workings close period in Xiangxi Gold Mine was summed up in this paper .
This paper introduces compilatory method of geological report of closing mine , with detailes on its text , graphics and table , which provide reference to compile geological report of closing mine in the future .
Closure and Reclamation Plan for a Proposed Expansion Project
Pointing to newly-established mines , producing-mines and shut-in mines , efficient countermeasures are carried out seperately to protect and restore geological environment .
Article21if a mine is to be closed down , a report must be prepared with information about the mining operations , hidden dangers , land reclamation and utilization , and environmental protection , and an application for examination and approval must be filed in accordance with relevant state regulations .