
shí gǔ
  • Shigu;drum-shaped stone blocks
石鼓 [shí gǔ]
  • [Shigu] 中国云南省丽江纳西族自治县辖镇。举世闻名的长江虎跳峡在此,虎跳峡山顶和江面高差3000多米,宽不足60米

石鼓[shí gǔ]
  1. 最后,基于Lucene架构开发了一个面向南华大学新闻网的站内搜索引擎&石鼓新闻搜索,能够实时跟踪用户兴趣并且根据集体兴趣的迁移动态调整检索结果,效果优良。

    Finally , a website search engine for the news network of university is developed , which is based on the Lucene architecture and can real-time trace users ' profile and dynamically regulate retrieval results according to the migration of collective profile .

  2. 公司位于东莞市南城区,靠近G107国道和广深高速东莞城区石鼓出口,北通广州,南抵深圳香港,交通十分方便。

    The company is located at Nancheng District of Dongguan city , adjacent to G107 State Road and Shigu Exit of Guang-shen Expressway , which connects Guangzhou in the north and Hong Kong in the south .

  3. 石鼓书院是中国历史上盛名天下的“四大书院”之一。

    The Stone Drum Academy is one of the four famous academies .

  4. 衡阳市、石鼓区两级警方迅速介入此案。

    Hengyang City , in the case of Shek Kwu district levels Swift .

  5. 宋、元、明、清时期,一些官员、学者以及生徒常在石鼓书院雅集,兴味浓厚。

    Governmental officials , scholars and students often held special meeting in Shi-gu Academy .

  6. 怪石有石鼓、石角。

    For picturesque rocks , there is what is known as the Stone Drum and the Stone Horn .

  7. 寺坐西朝东,山门两侧各放两只石狮子和两只石鼓。

    Temple sitting West headed east , on both sides of the gate-two stone lions and two Shek Kwu .

  8. 这家餐馆就开在石鼓路的美食休闲街区,这里另有很多外国菜馆给你选择的。

    The restaurant is open in shek kwu road food here , there are many leisure blocks to the foreign you choose .

  9. 他虽然没有亲临石鼓书院讲学,但他的《石鼓书院记》却让石鼓有声于天下。

    Although he had never been there to give lectures , his work Record of Stone Drum Academy made it to be very famous .

  10. 拆除杂物房,就是为了让石鼓石刻透显出来,以便更好地集中保护。

    Tore down dopant house , be for making the stone drum sculpture carvings deeply shown , for the purpose of betterly concentrated safeguard .

  11. 花梨木石面荷茜六角鼓凳怪石有石鼓、石角。

    Rosewood hexagonal stool with brown stone top For picturesque rocks , there is what is known as the Stone Drum and the Stone Horn .

  12. 此外我们还分别在东城区下桥、樟木头镇区、南城区石鼓等地设有分驻机构。

    In addition we also separately in Dongcheng District under the bridge , Zhangmutou township , South Shek Kwu City and other places in a sub-agency .

  13. 阐述了石鼓区无公害蔬菜概况,初步研究了发展无公害蔬菜保优栽培技术措施。

    The paper explains the present situation of the non-public nuisance vegetable in shigu district in Hengyang city , it also poses the high grade cultivation technologies .

  14. 为了让树木平安过冬,连日来,石鼓书院管理人员正加紧采取保暖措施,给树木穿上“冬衣”。

    To make the trees safe winter , the past few days , Shek Kwu College managers are stepping up to take precautionary measures to put the trees'winter clothes .

  15. 关于本请愿书「岛屿活力行动」现正进行签名运动,反对在南大屿山离岸石鼓洲对开海上兴建人工岛及综合废物处理设施。

    LIM is campaigning against plans to locate an IWMF ( Integrated Waste Management Facility ) incineration plant on an artificial island at Shek Kwu Chau , off the coast of South Lantau .

  16. 石鼓书院这座历经唐、宋、元、明、清五朝的千年学府在我国书院史、教育史、文化史上享有崇高的声誉。

    Shigu academy is an old institution witnessing Tang , Song , Yuan , Ming and Qing Dynasties , and it has a great reputation in the history of academy , education , and culture of China .

  17. 对不同合拢顺序和临时固结拆除时间对多跨连续梁桥受力和变形的影响进行了研究。论文的研究结果在宝鸡石鼓山连续梁桥施工监控中得到了应用。

    In the end , the influence of multi-span continuous beam bridge force and deformation with different closure sequences and the removal time of temporary consolidation was deeply studied . Finally , the study results has been applied in the construction control of this bridge .

  18. 通过宝鸡石鼓山连续梁桥施工控制,测量了不同施工阶段梁体的应力和变形,并且建立实桥有限元计算模型,对不同施工阶段主梁应力和变形实测值和理论值进行了比较。

    By the Mian Bridge of Shi-gu Mountain continuous beam bridge construction control , beam stress and deformation was measured . Besides , the finite element model of real bridge was built , Actual value and theoretical value of beam stress and deformation for different construction phase were compared .