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  • stonefish
  1. 世界上毒性最强的鱼是石鱼(stonefish),它也是亚洲和热带地区的一道美食。被石鱼的致命毒针蛰到的痛感被认为是人类能够感觉到最严重的疼痛。

    The world 's most venomous fish is the stonefish , a fixture of Asian and tropic cuisine ; its potentially fatal sting has been described as the worst pain a human can feel .

  2. 条纹石鱼旨生物学的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Biology of Striped Bass

  3. 简单介绍了条纹石鱼旨的形态特征、食性、繁殖习性等生物学。

    Biological features of striped bass , such as morphology , feeding and breeding habits were briefly introduced in the article .