
shí xì bāo
  • sclerotic cell
  1. 果肉白色,肉质细、脆、嫩、汁多,石细胞极少,味甜,含可溶性固形物10.5~12.1%,总糖7.88%,总酸0.16%,维生素C含量1.39mg/kg。

    Pulp white , tenuous , crisp , tender , much juicy , stone cells fewer , sweet . TSS 10.5 ~ 12.1 % , total sugar 7.88 % , citric acid 0.16 % , Vit . C 1.39mg/kg .

  2. S2和S5两种矮化中间砧使芽变9号果个增大、淀粉含量增加、石细胞含量降低,均具有明显作用,而且还能提早结果1-2年。

    The S2 and S5 dwarf rootstock have the effects of increasing the fruits size and amylum content , reducing the stone cell content , and also can shorten the juvenile period for 1 to 2 years . 4 .

  3. 石细胞是厚壁组织中典型的短石细胞。

    The sclereid was one representative of short sclereid of sclerenchyma .

  4. 粉末有石细胞,无草酸钙结晶。

    Its powder contains stone cells and without calcium oxalate crystal .

  5. 植物石细胞、胞间连丝制片技术的研究

    Study on section making technique of plant stone cell and plasmodesmata

  6. 18种中药材石细胞的显微图谱鉴别

    18 Kinds of Chinese Traditional Medicine 's Sclerotic Cells Microcinematography

  7. 梨果实石细胞发育机理的研究进展

    Advances in research on developing mechanism of stone cells in pear fruit

  8. 此外,套袋可以降低石细胞的含量。

    In addition , bagging might reduce the content of stone cell .

  9. 叶肉中分布有少分枝或不分枝的石细胞,其细胞长轴与表皮垂直。

    And there are some unbranched or less branching stone cells in it .

  10. 石细胞:为厚壁组织中除纤维外的所有细胞种类。

    Sclereid Any SCLERENCHYMA cell except the long fibers .

  11. 叶肉有石细胞、纤维散在;

    There were grit cells in the mesophyll in which fibers were scattered ;

  12. 叶肉内含石细胞和簇晶。

    There were sclereids and druses in the mesophyll .

  13. 网纹细胞、石细胞等的存在与否;

    Dictyo-cells or sclereids etc. existing or not ;

  14. 梨果实发育过程中石细胞团及几种相关酶活性变化的研究

    Study on Sclereids and Activities of Several Related Enzymes During the Development of Pear Fruit

  15. 冷冻法测定梨的石细胞含量

    Study on the conditions for measuring stone cell content in pear flesh by freezing method

  16. 此外,在无功能韧皮部中由部分薄壁细胞分化形成石细胞群,并有部分乳汁道腔内形成拟侵填体堵塞乳汁道。

    Moreover , part of the parenchyma cells formed into stone cells cluster in non-functional phloem .

  17. 不同品种间石细胞团的形态,大小组成及分布各不相同。

    The morphology volume compose and distribution of the sclereids group are different in different breeds .

  18. 砀山酥梨果实石细胞与薄壁细胞发育关系的解剖学研究

    The Anatomic Study on Relationship of Stone Cells and Parenchyma Cells During Fruit Development of Pyrus bretschneideri

  19. 梨果实中石细胞含量测定及与果实品质相关性的研究

    An improved method for quantification of stone cells and stone cell quantity in relation to quality of pear fruit

  20. 另外,光皮型杜仲在栓内层分布有较少的,质地紧密的石细胞群;

    Secondly , there was a little of collenchyma whose texture was tight in smooth type 's endothecium of phellem ;

  21. 石细胞分布于皮层和韧皮部,胞腔内常含草酸钙方晶;

    Stone cells contain frequently a prismatic crystal of calcium oxalate , often occur in the cortex and phloem of the stem .

  22. [结果]其根部皮层石细胞、纤维众多;

    [ Results ] The results showed that a large amount of grit cells and fibers existed in the cortex of root ;

  23. 果心小,果肉白色,中粗,酥脆,汁多,味浓甜,有石细胞;

    Core small , flesh white , in the rough , crisp , juicy , sweet rich , there are stone cells ;

  24. 外种皮石细胞较多,类多边形,木化,成团或单个散在,壁厚,纹孔沟明显;

    Many agglomerate or single stone cells of exotesta been seen , polygon-like , lignified , wall thick . pit channel distinct ;

  25. 果肉脆嫩,几乎无石细胞,汁液极其丰富,可溶性固形物可达到12%~14%。

    The flesh is crisp , nearly no stone cell , abundance juice and soluble solid concentration is 12 % - 14 % .

  26. 龙眼果蒂部由维管束、石细胞和通气组织组成,具有大的细胞间隙和胞间腔。

    Longan fruit stalk was organised by vascular bundle , stone cell and ventilating tissue , which were large cell interstices and intercellular cavity .

  27. 不同时期套袋果的石细胞含量显著低于对照;与对照果相比套袋果果实表面光洁,果点小而稀,外观品质明显改善。

    The bagged fruits got remarkably improved in appearance having a smooth and even surface with sparse and smaller fruit dots compared with the control fruits ;

  28. 研究结果为制定科学、实用的梨石细胞含量测定方法农业行业标准奠定了基础。

    Such research achievement could be used for the establishment of the scientific and applied National Agriculture Industry Standard for measuring stone cells in pear flesh .

  29. 结果:牛血莲的块茎横切面构造,富含石细胞、色素块及多数淀粉粒。

    Result : The cross section of the cane showed that structure was constructed , the stone cell is rich , pigment one and most starch corn .

  30. 结果表明:果实横切面从外到内是表皮层、石细胞层、中果皮及内果皮组成的果肉组织。

    The results were as follows : Persimmon fruit consists of epidermis , sclereid layer and pulp tissues from outside to inside in the fruit transverse section .