
  • 网络lithophytic
  1. 热带美洲的一个兰花属,附生或石生,地下茎。

    Genus of tropical American epiphytic or lithophytic rhizomatous orchids .

  2. 大的附生或石生的蕨类植物;分布在亚洲到玻利尼西亚和澳洲。

    Giant epiphytic or lithophytic fern ; Asia to Polynesia and Australia .

  3. 胎-轮技术的重大突破&石生仿生轮胎简介

    Breakthrough of Tyre - Wheel 's Technology & Introduction of SHI-SHENG Bionic Tyre

  4. 热带和暖温带地区的小型石生蕨类。

    Any of several small lithophytic ferns of tropical and warm temperate regions .

  5. 基于石生藓类氮含量的贵阳地区大气氮沉降

    Quantification of atmospheric nitrogen deposition at Guiyang area based on nitrogen concentration of epilithic mosses

  6. 中南美主要为附生或石生兰花的一个大属,大小不同。

    Large genus of mostly epiphytic or lithophytic central and South American orchids of various sizes .

  7. 地衣的妙用石生藻类、地衣、苔藓与碳酸盐岩持水性及生态意义

    Relationship between water holding of carbonate rock and saxicolous algae , lichen and moss and its ecological significance

  8. 网衣属种包括4个生态类型,石生种占绝对优势,占76%;

    All of them are classified into 4 ecological types , earth-covered rocks , absolute predominance , 76 % ;

  9. 遍布于热带的长有浅黄色叶柄和细小叶片的石生或陆生松叶蕨;见于美洲;见于日本;见于澳洲。

    Pantropical epiphytic or terrestrial whisk fern with usually dull yellow branches and minute leaves ; America ; Japan ; Australia .

  10. 不同树生和石生金钗石斛成分的光谱和层析谱的研究

    Studies on the application of spectra and thin-layer chromatography to the constituents of Dendrobium nobile cultivated on various trees and stone

  11. 一个附生或石生无刺仙人掌大属,常为分节茎和下垂枝;小花,球状果实。

    Large genus of epiphytic or lithophytic unarmed cacti with usually segmented stems and pendulous branches ; flowers are small followed by berrylike fruits .

  12. 石生针茅荒漠草原生物量增大模式概括为S型曲线、秋季急增型曲线和双峰型曲线。

    The biomass of Stipa klemenzii eremo steppe differs yearly and summarized as a model " S " curre , autumn-rapid-increase curre or double-peak curre .

  13. 石生苔藓碳含量和碳同位素对城市地区人为二氧化碳和大气氮沉降变化的响应

    Responses of Tissue Carbon and δ ~ ( 13 ) C in Epilithic Mosses to the Variations of Anthropogenic CO_2 and Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition in City Area

  14. 中国一家亏损矿商将要买下英国一家电脑游戏开发商,这笔3亿美元的交易堪称中国疯狂而往往不协调的、债务助燃的收购热潮的典型代表。该交易将意味着一家奇幻游戏开发商与一家铁矿石生产商联姻。

    A lossmaking Chinese miner is snapping up a British computer games developer in a $ 300m deal that encapsulates the spirit of China 's frenzied , and often incongruous , debt-fuelled shopping spree .

  15. 高陡边坡花岗岩地貌,包括堡状山峰,塔状山峰,石墙,石柱和各种石生像是优质的地质遗迹,同时也是优质的旅游地学资源。

    Steep high slope granite geomorphologic features , including castle peaks , tower peaks , stone forest , stone columns and other stone statues , are good geological heritage as well as good tourism geoscience resources .

  16. 研究表明:该流域苔藓植物可分为树生、石生、石面薄土生、腐木生、水生和土生苔藓植物群落。

    The results show that the bryophytes in the watershed can be classified into the communities growing on the surfaces of trees , rock , thin soil on rock , rotten wood , soil and in waters .

  17. 对86种藓类植物分布与环境关系的典范对应分析表明,海拔高度、水分条件和光照强度是影响金华北山石生藓类分布的主要环境因素。

    Canonical correspondence analysis ( CCA ) based on the ecological important values of these 86 species and six environmental variables revealed that the distribution of these 86 moss species is significantly related to altitude , water availability and light intensity .

  18. 具有较高观赏价值的有:陆生类86种、附生类22种、石生类9种、攀援类3种、水生类3种等。

    We found most of them having higher ornamental value : 86 species of land living ones , 22 species of attached living ones , 9 species of stone living ones , 3 species of climbing ones and 3 species of aquatic ones , etc.

  19. 电石渣/生石灰复合脱硫剂脱硫性能研究

    Study on characteristics of desulphurizing absorbent of hydrated carbide slag and lime

  20. 干法乙炔电石渣中生电石的定量分析

    Quantitative analysis of raw calcium carbide in carbide slags from dry-process acetylene synthesis system

  21. 华石斛内生真菌诱导子对其组培苗生长的影响

    Effects of Fungal Elicitors from Dendrobium sinense on the Growth of Its Plantlets Cultured in Vitro

  22. 通过对蛇足石杉内生真菌的温度和光照条件研究发现,各种菌最适宜的生长温度均为25℃;并且更适宜在有光照的条件下生长。

    The optimum culture temperature of these 5 endophytic fungus were 25 ℃; and grew better under light condition . 5 .

  23. 这些是人生道路上的歧途。斜铺的石道上满生了薄苔,我穿的皮鞋踏在上面,显出分明的印痕。

    Those are all sops along the way . My leather shoes left sharp prints on the moss-covered flagstones of the inclined path .

  24. 简要介绍了石钢烧结原有生石灰输送系统存在的问题及其气力输送系统的工艺特点和设备。

    The problems in original transporting system of quick lime in sintering production of Shi Steel are introduced as well as the technology and equipment of air-transporting system .

  25. 火山石上蕴育着乔木、灌木丛、石生草丛,具有典型的火山地貌植被特征。

    The volcanic stone is grown with trees , bushes and grasses , the characteristic vegetation of the volcanic landscape .