
  1. 沙漠石油公路和塔里木河两大廊道呈十字形位于该区域的中部,它们决定了整个系统物质、能量及信息的传播途径。

    Both the desert-oil highway and the Tarim River are two big corridors crossed the middle of the area , which decides the transfer ways of substances and energy and information in the whole system .

  2. 周末,两艘油驳船在维克茨堡附近撞上铁道桥,致使石油泄露进密西西比河,目前美国海岸警卫队及美国陆军工程兵依然在评估到底有多少石油泄露。

    The Coast Guard and US Army Corps of Engineers are still trying to assess how much oil has leaked into the Mississippi River after two oil barges crashed into a railroad bridge near Vicksburg over the weekend .