
shí yóu huà xué ɡōnɡ yè
  • petrochemical industry
  1. 2003年,吉林省石油化学工业总产值达到410亿元,占吉林省GDP的16.29%,是吉林省支柱产业之一。

    The production value of Jilin petrochemical industry in 2003 is 41 billion , 16.29 % of GDP of Jilin Province , and is the backbone of it .

  2. 从石油化学工业产生的废催化剂中回收贵金属

    Recovery of Precious Metals from spent Catalyst generated in Petrochemical Industry

  3. 本文分析了我国石油化学工业现状。

    The current situation of China 's Petrochemical industry is presented .

  4. 气体膜分离技术在石油化学工业上的应用开发

    Application Development of Gas Membrane Separation Technology in Petrochemical Industries

  5. 石油化学工业吸引世界各地人们到此。

    The petrochemical industry has attracted people from all around the world .

  6. 管壳式换热器是石油化学工业中最常见的设备。

    Shell-and-tube heat exchangers are widely used in petrochemical industries .

  7. 石油化学工业咨询小组石油化工塔盘设计规范

    Advisory Panel on Petrochemicals Code for design of tray for petrochemical industry

  8. 我省石油化学工业技术产业发展前景初探

    The Developing foreground of Petrochemical Technological Industrial in Guangdong Province

  9. 夺取湖南化学工业改革和发展的新胜利&湖南省石油化学工业局郎艺珠局长1998年1月5日在全省化工工作会议上的讲话摘要

    Striving for New Victories of Reform and Development in Hunan Chemical Industry

  10. 阿拉伯地区石油化学工业区域协商

    Regional consultation on the petrochemical industry for the Arab region

  11. 台湾石油化学工业的发展道路

    The developing course of the petrochemistry industry in Taiwan

  12. 石油化学工业中用冷凝器使烃类及其它化学蒸气冷凝。

    The petroleum and chemical industries use condensers for hydrocarbons and other chemical vapours .

  13. 韩国石油化学工业现状及展望

    Status and Prospect of Korea 's Petrochemical Industry

  14. 广东石油化学工业结构调整战略

    Strategy Regulating the Petrochemical Industry Structure in Guangdong

  15. 同时,总理希望扩大中国在卡塔尔石油化学工业领域的参与度。

    He 's also asking for stronger Chinese involvement in Qatar 's petrochemical industry .

  16. 进一步加快我国石油化学工业的发展

    Further development of china 's petrochemical industry

  17. 介绍了莱森特化学系统公司对于未来几年全球石油化学工业的前景展望。

    This paper introduced Nexant Chem Systems'view on the outlook for the global petrochemical industry .

  18. 石油化学工业的一些生产设施,已经用机器自动控制。

    Some of the oil and chemical industries are built almost entirely around self-acting controls .

  19. 石油化学工业主要环境问题研究

    Brief Environmental Case Studies of Several Petrochemicals

  20. 肥料、农药和石油化学工业科

    Fertilizers , Pesticides and Petrochemical Industries Section

  21. 新技术革命中的石油化学工业

    The petrochemical industry in new technological revolution

  22. 本文主要从安全规划的角度分析典型石油化学工业事故产生的原因。

    This paper analyzed the cause of typical petrochemical industry accidents based on the safety planning .

  23. 电子计算机在石油化学工业中的应用

    Application of Computer in Petro-chemical Industry

  24. 分子筛催化剂因为环境友好而在石油化学工业中得到了广泛的应用。

    Zeolites have been applied extensively in the petrochemical industry due to their environmentally friendly properties .

  25. 耐火纤维喷涂复合炉衬技术及应用石油化学工业炉耐火纤维喷涂炉衬的计算机辅助设计

    Computer-aided design of the brasque by spraying with refractory fiber used in a petrochemical industrial furnace

  26. 概述了膜分离技术在石油化学工业中的应用及其所进行的研究。

    The applications and studies of membrane separation technology to the petrochemical industry were briefly introduced .

  27. 金属催化剂对化学工业和石油化学工业的发展有非常重大的意义。

    Metal catalysts is very significant on the development of chemical industry and petroleum chemical industry .

  28. 石油化学工业装备失效分析及其预防

    Failure analysis of petrochemical equipment

  29. 火灾、爆炸和有毒有害物质泄漏是化学工业和石油化学工业生产中的重大灾害性事故。

    Fire , explosion and release of toxic materials are major hazardous accidents in chemical and petroleum-chemical industries .

  30. 工业的增长依赖于能源、钢铁、制造业、石油化学工业和国际中转港口。

    Industrial development plans focus on gas resources , metal manufacturing , petrochemicals , and international transshipment ports .