
  • 网络The Stone Alley;Shek Hong;rock drift;Steingasse
  1. 阳江四海虾皮实业有限公司座落于美丽且富饶的海滨城市阳江,一个盛产虾皮的海湾&石巷港。

    Yangjiang Shai Shrimp Industries Limited locates in the beautiful & rich coastal city of Yangjiang , Shixiang Seaport , which is rich in shrimps .

  2. 通过对矸石充填巷采地表沉陷控制原理的分析研究,确定了建筑物下矸石充填巷采地表沉陷控制方案设计的基本原则;

    By researched on the principle of the ground subsidence controlled of tunnel mining with coal refuse backfilling , the fundamental of its design was ascertained .

  3. 经过模拟计算和实践证明:利用破碎矸石充填留巷能够确保留巷系统的稳定性;

    The simulation calculation and practices showed that the goaf side gateway backfilled with rushed falling rocks could keep the stability of the goaf side gateway system .