
  • 网络Seok
  1. 满语“穆昆”,意为“家族、氏”。石姓穆昆的信仰体系是满族萨满教信仰观念的典型代表,它基本上涵盖了满族不同姓氏的祭祀对象。

    The belief System of Shi family is a typical representation of Manchu Shamanism , which covers the sacrificing objects of different families in Manchu .

  2. 同时,石姓穆昆的信仰体系又是古老的特殊现象,因为它保留了满族原始的野神祭祀神灵,这种信仰对象在其他满族姓氏中基本消失。

    Meanwhile , it is an old special phenomenon , for it preserves the primitive wild gods which have almost disappeared in other names of Manchu .