
ǎi huà
  • dwarf;stunt;brachysm;stuntedness
矮化[ǎi huà]
  1. 柑桔裂皮类病毒和菊花矮化类病毒互补DNA探针的合成及检测

    Synthesis of citrus EXOCORTIS viroid and chrysanthemum stunt viroid DNA ~ ( 32 ) p-cdna probes and detection by the probes

  2. 花生矮化病毒(PSV)Mi株系RNA1和RNA2序列分析

    Nucleotide Sequence Analyses of Peanut stunt virus Mi Strain RNA 1 and RNA 2

  3. 矮化密植果园回收资金较快。

    Compact trees , bring quick returns .

  4. 当植株产生萎蔫或矮化症时细菌可进入体内繁殖。

    The bacteria may gain entry and develop internally as in wilts and stunts .

  5. 当植株产生萎蔫或矮化症时细菌进入体内繁殖。

    The bacteris may gain entry and develop internally as in wilts and stunts .

  6. 在西北部地区把它接在实生砧、无性砧及矮化砧上

    In the Northwest , they are being planted by hedgrow on seedling roots , clonal and dwarfing stocks .

  7. 在西北部地区用灌木树篱把它接在实生砧、无性砧及矮化砧上

    In the Northwest , they are being planted by hedgerow on seedling roots , clonal and dwarfing stocks .

  8. B9作为矮化剂生产案头菊的研究

    Studies on Production of Desk Chrysanthemum Applying B_9 as Dwarfing Agent

  9. M9矮化中间砧段对~(32)P运转的影响

    Effect of m_9 dwarfing interstock on transport of ~ ( 32 ) p

  10. B9促使菊花矮化机理的研究

    Studies on the mechanism of action of b_9 in reducing stem elongation of Chrysanthemum

  11. 矮化中间砧苹果树~(14)C同化物质分配和运转的研究

    Effect of Dwarfing Interstock on Distribution and Transportation of ~ ( 14 ) C-assimilates Content of Apple Tree

  12. 甘蔗宿根矮化病巢式PCR检测体系

    Detection System of Nested PCR for Sugarcane Ratoon Stunting Disease

  13. 其中K在多数矮化中间砧嫁接树中有所降低;

    The level of K element in most of the above trees was low .

  14. NAA和B9对番茄插枝生根和植株矮化的影响

    Effects of NAa and B_9 on Rooting and Dwarfing of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill

  15. 渭北旱塬矮化富士苹果幼树N,K营养状况分析

    N and K nutrient status of dwarfing red Fuji apple young tree under different fertilizer and irrigation conditions

  16. 矮化黄瓜幼苗对外源GA处理的生理反应

    Physiological response of dwarf cucumber seedling on exogenous GA treatment

  17. 水稻矮化突变体G蛋白α亚基基因的结构和表达

    Genetic Analysis and Molecular Characterization of the GTP Binding Protein Alpha-subunit Gene from Rice Dwarf Mutant dwarf 69

  18. 作物矮化基因与GA信号转导途径

    Dwarfing Genes and GA Signal Transduction Pathway in Crops

  19. 甘蔗宿根矮化病菌PCR检测及目的片段核苷酸序列分析

    Detection of Sugarcane Ratoon Stunting Disease Pathogen with Polymerase Chain Reaction ( PCR ) and Nucleotide Sequence Analysis

  20. 而Fe在所有矮化中间砧嫁接树中明显升高。

    The level of Fe element was significantly high in the leaves of all of the above trees .

  21. 后者M系、MM系矮化砧木自成一个聚类小组。

    In the latter , M and MM clonal dwarfed rootstocks had been clustered into one small group .

  22. 研究表明,赤霉素(GA)与植物矮化突变体的产生有密切关系。

    The research shows that , gibberellin ( GA ) has a close relationship with dwarf mutant .

  23. 矮化李果实中吸收~(14)C和~(32)P的量均明显超过乔化李果实。

    ~ ( 14 ) C and ~ ( 32 ) P were absorbed in dwarfing plum fruit , its quantity was much higher than in arboroid one .

  24. 甘蔗宿根矮化病(RSD)温水脱菌研究

    Study on Bacteria-free Test of Sugarcane Ratoon Stunting Disease by Hot-water

  25. 萃果砧木矮化程度与ABA含量关系的研究

    A study on the correlation between the dwarfness of apple rootstocks and ABA content

  26. 该QTL产生较为温和的矮化表型,并且在育种上表现出极大的潜力。

    The QTL caused moderate dwarf phenotype and exhibited great potential in breeding .

  27. SH系列苹果矮化砧性状及生理特性的研究

    A study on the characters and physiological traits of SH series apples DWARF STOCKS

  28. PP(333)和CCC对紫羊茅矮化效应的影响

    A Study on the Dwarfing Effect on Festuca Rubra with PP_ ( 333 ) and CCC

  29. 本试验用~(60)Coγ-射线处理水仙鳞茎,研究对植株矮化与花期调节等效应。

    The experiment deals with the effects of ~ ( 60 ) Co γ - irradiation on the stalk dwarf and blooming adjustment of narcissus .

  30. 苹果M系矮化砧木AFLP指纹图谱的构建与分析

    Construction and Analysis of AFLP Fingerprinting in ' Malling ' Dwarfed Rootstocks of Apple