
  1. 行为金融学的出现为股权溢价之谜的解决带来了曙光,其代表性的理论&短视性损失厌恶理论,对股权溢价之谜提供了一个较为合理的解释。

    The emergence of behavioral finance is bright to the puzzle . Its representative theory-myopic loss aversion theory can offer a relatively reasonable explanation to the equity premium puzzle .

  2. 结果表明,认知风格对于投资决策的结果的主效应达到了边缘显著。认知风格不同的被试的短视损失厌恶的表现存在一定的差异。实验结果基本上支持了以往有关短视损失厌恶的理论。

    The results of the study indicated that cognitive style has the marginal significant effect on the risk preference in investment decision-making and subjects with different cognitive styles have different MLA performance . Basically , the experiments results correspond with previous Myopic Loss Aversion Theories .