
  1. 超短的知识更新周期,技术的高折旧率强烈冲击着四平八稳的学院式教学计划。

    Too short knowledge renewing cycle and too high technique depreciation rate impact the academicism teaching scheme strongly which used to be very steady .

  2. 学科不断分化和综合化的趋势,知识更新周期缩短,对人类素质产生了新要求。

    The division and integration of disciplines become a general trend . With the shortening of knowledge updating period , new requirements have been put forward to human quality .

  3. 现代经济社会,科学技术飞速发展,知识更新周期越来越短,社会形态的表现形式体现为一个主题:变革与创新。

    In modern economic society , the science and technology developed rapidly , and the knowledge renewal cycle is more and more shorter , so the form of society manifests a subject : transformation and innovation .

  4. 21世纪,医学科学技术迅速发展,医学知识更新的周期不断缩短。

    With the rapid development of medical scientific technology in 21st Century , the periodic of updating medical information is reducing continually .

  5. 现代社会是信息社会,知识与技术的更新周期越来越短。

    The modern society is the information society , the renewal cycle of knowledge and technology is more and more short .

  6. 未来社会是信息社会,生活节奏快,知识与技术更新的周期越来越短。

    The future society is a information society in which the life rhyme is fast and the renew cycle of knowledge and technology is shorter and shorter .

  7. 随着现代信息技术和知识经济的迅速发展,知识更新的周期明显缩短,速度不断加快,变革与创新已成为社会经济生活的主题。

    With the rapid development of modern information technology and knowledge economy , the update cycle of knowledge is greatly shortened , the speed is continuously accelerated , change and innovation has become the subject of social and economic life .

  8. 在知识经济时代,知识总量迅速扩张,知识更新的周期大大缩短。

    In the knowledge economy era , the overall knowledge is expanding rapidly and the cycle of knowledge update is shortened greatly .

  9. 然而,经济发展过程本身就是一个工业化的过程,伴随着工业化从劳务型向资本型、技术型过渡,对劳动者的技术、知识要求越来越高,劳动者的知识、技术更新周期也越来越短。

    However , the economic development process itself is a process of industrialization , with the service type to the capital from the industrialized , technology-based transition of workers , knowledge increasingly high demand for knowledge workers , technology update cycle is increasingly shorter .

  10. 当今,社会日益信息化,知识总量每五年左右翻一番,知识的更新周期越来越短,学习已经成为了人们日常生活中的一个基本组成部分。

    Nowadays , our society has been increasingly informationized , the total amount of knowledge has doubled about every five years , the renewing cycle of knowledge has become shorter and shorter , thus , how to learn is also one necessary part in our everyday life .

  11. 21世纪是以知识的创新和应用为重要特征的知识经济时代,且知识和技术创新频率不断加强,知识更新周期缩短。

    The 21 century is a knowledge-economic era characteristic of creativity and application of knowledge , and frequency of creativity and application of knowledge is constantly quickened , updating period of knowledge is shorten .