
  • 网络Knowledge Extraction;knowledge abstraction
  1. OM(组织记忆)的进化和WEB知识抽取有效地促进了知识的开放性集成。

    The evolution of OM and WEB Knowledge extraction effectively promote open integration of knowledge .

  2. CBT开发平台中的知识抽取技术研究

    Research on Knowledge Extraction Technique in the CBT Development Platform

  3. 基于RoughSet的中医类风湿诊断知识抽取

    The Extraction of Information on the Diagnosis of Rheumatic Arthritis by Traditional Chinese Medicine Based on the Rough Set

  4. 在知识抽取的同时,利用新抽取的具有高可信性的领域知识来扩充领域种子和Ontology,以便下次迭代应用。

    New mapped knowledge with high reliability will be used to expand domain seed and ontology for the next iteration process .

  5. 1998年,WWW协会发起了一个创新性研究,该研究致力于:为WEB提供语义和从WEB实施知识抽取。

    In 1998 the World - Wide Web Consortium ( W3C ) inaugurated a research initiative centred on the idea of providing semantics for and facilitating the extraction of knowledge from the WWW.

  6. 关于从MEDLINE数据库中进行知识抽取和挖掘的研究进展

    Advances of the Studies on the Knowledge Extraction and Mining from the MEDLINE System

  7. 本文主要介绍了CBT开发平台中的知识抽取系统的设计与实现。

    The paper mostly introduces how the knowledge extraction system is designed and realize in the CBT courseware development .

  8. 在此基础之上,提出了文本知识抽取模型,包括定义文本知识的概念,分析文本的物理结构和逻辑结构,介绍Web文本转变为普通文本的方法,实现文本知识的关键词抽取和主题句抽取。

    Third , we proposed text knowledge extraction models , including the definition of the concept of text knowledge , analysis of the text structure , transformation of web html to plain text , implement of key word extraction and the topic sentence extraction .

  9. 该系统包括数据库信息可视化、WWW信息可视化、图像索引与检索、知识抽取与存储、知识检索子系统等。

    The system contains : database information visualization , WWW information visualization , graphical index technology and content-based retrieval , description and storage of knowledge , knowledge retrieval etc.

  10. 在此基础上,编程实现了一个交互式的知识抽取系统。

    In these bases , a mutual knowledge extraction system is programmed .

  11. 基于本体的石化行业知识抽取方法

    Ontology-based Method of Knowledge Abstraction in Petrochemical Industry

  12. 面向问答的社区型知识抽取技术研究

    Research on Extracting Community Knowledge for Question Answering

  13. 把神经网络应用于模糊系统,可以解决模糊系统中的知识抽取问题;

    Applying the neural network in fuzzy systems may solve the fuzzy systems'knowledge extraction problem .

  14. 利用关联规则对医学文本数据库进行知识抽取的尝试&以四种抗肿瘤药为例

    Knowledge Extraction from Medical Literature Database Using Association Rule Mining & Taking Four Anti-neoplastic Medicines as an Example

  15. 并概括和分析了国内外一些文本知识抽取的相关系统,和此领域的研究历史和发展趋势。

    After analyzing and summarizing the related knowledge extraction system at home and abroad , we present the history and development trends of this field .

  16. 此外还研究了如何使用本体进行知识抽取和知识建模,通过本体将知识的本质特征和属性抽取出来,并对知识表示元素进行形式化的描述。

    It also studied how to use ontology extracting knowledge and modeling knowledge , extracted essential features and attributes of knowledge utilizing ontology and described knowledge representation elements formally .

  17. 为满足培训系统自主性和智能化要求,运用广度优先搜索算法对岗位知识抽取问题进行了研究,采用改进加权拓扑排序算法对知识培训计划的制定方法进行了研究。

    In order to meet the autonomy and intelligence requirements , the paper researched the knowledge extraction issues with breadth-first search algorithm and knowledge training plan with the improved weighted topological algorithm . 4 .

  18. 首先,本文给出了文本资源的知识抽取这一课题提出的背景和国内外研究现状。

    And natural language processing is the key technology to solve this problem . First , this paper gives out the background and research status of the topic on knowledge extraction from text resources .

  19. 其次,总结了文本知识抽取方面涉及的关键技术,包括自然语言处理、中文分词、相似度算法和常用的语义词典。从理论上提供了本文针对研究对象实现研究目标的理论基础。

    Second , we summarized the related key technology to provide the theoretical basis to this paper , including natural language processing , Chinese word segmentation , the semantic similarity algorithm and commonly used dictionary .

  20. 提出了支持非一致数据的知识抽取算法。

    We present the knowledge extracting algorithm which supporting inconsistent data The algorithm is based on the rough set theory in granular computing , and it can also be improved as an algorithm for incremental data set .

  21. 并据此提出,在当前信息技术高速发展的条件下,应当充分开展知识抽取和文本挖掘的研究,为图书情报部门的服务功能从文献管理向信息管理和知识管理转化进行理论上的探索。

    As librarians and information professionals must face the challenge brought by modern information techniques , the authors suggested that this research field should be emphasized as a key direction for shifting from document management to information management and knowledge management .

  22. 酒蒸馏操作过程特征知识的抽取

    Abstraction of the Characteristic Knowledge in the Distillator Operation Process

  23. 由于本体具有清晰的表达语法和继承规则,这种方法对于企业知识的抽取具有明显优势。

    Due to its powerful representation formalism and associated inference mechanism , the method has obvious advantages in knowledge abstraction .

  24. 对不确定知识的抽取和推理,先采用粗糙集方法进行分类处理,然后对冗余知识进行属性约简,再进行推理。

    The rough sets method is used to knowledge classification , uncertainty reasoning and attribute reduction . An example for product development was given .

  25. 其构建一般经历文献信息的知识元抽取与标引,知识元库与知识仓库的构建,以及数字图书馆知识网格平台的建立等过程。

    It includes extracting knowledge elements from document information and then indexing them , building knowledge element warehouse and knowledge warehouse , and setting up the knowledge grid platform of digital library .

  26. 然后使用正则神经网络对信息表进行学习,用粗集理论从正则神经网络所存储的知识中抽取规则,得到的规则可以用于预测时间序列在未来的行为。

    The regularized neural network is used to learn and predict the data . Rough set can extract rule knowledge in the neural network , which can be used to predict the time series ' behavior in the future .

  27. 由于模糊系统中知识的抽取和表达比较方便,而且它可以任意精度逼近定义在紧集上的非线性函数,因此它在复杂非线性系统的建模中显示出优越性。

    Since it is convenient to extract and express the information in fuzzy system , which can approximate the nonlinear function defined in compact set at any precision , it is preferable to other methods in the modeling of the complicated nonlinear system .

  28. 基于领域知识和信息抽取的个性化Web查询系统

    Personalized Web Query System Based on Domain Knowledge and Information Extraction

  29. 在这个原型系统里,利用Agent的自治能力和合作能力来协助用户对抽取请求进行公式化表述和结合知识库学习抽取规则等。

    In the framework , the autonomy and coordination of agent are employed to assist user formulate extraction queries , to learn extraction rules on the base of knowledge bases and so on .

  30. 基于语义模型的数字图书馆知识组织信息抽取策略

    Semantic Model-Based Information Extraction Strategy of Digital Library Knowledge Organization