
  1. 知识型创业企业取得成功的关键因素是充分开发知识员工的潜能。

    A key factor for knowledge-based companies ' success is to fully develop the potential of knowledge workers .

  2. 本文从创业教育内容的视角,研究学生在校经历、创业知识和创业能力对大学生创业意愿的影响。

    The paper studies the effects of entrepreneurial experience in college , entrepreneurial knowledge and entrepreneurial capability on entrepreneurial intention of undergraduates .

  3. 而且她们决心运用自己的知识进行创业,特别是目前正值经济繁荣时期。

    And they are determined to use their knowledge to start new businesses , particularly at a time when economies are booming .

  4. 随着农村改革的不断深入和新农村建设的继续开展,提高农民的知识和创业技能成为当前的一个热点。

    With the deepening of the reform and construction in rural area , improving peasants ' knowledge and ability currently becomes a hot topic .

  5. 本文认为,创新知识是创业企业诞生的起始点,是理解创业企业的关键。

    The text holds that creative knowledge is the origin of the birth of new business ventures and the key to comprehend this kind of enterprises .

  6. 美国还拥有大量技术专业知识和创业热情,因此那些无人驾驶汽车以及其他创新源源不断地从硅谷问世。

    The country also has plenty of technological know-how and entrepreneurial zeal & hence all those driverless cars and other innovations tumbling out of Silicon Valley .

  7. 总之,本研究将创业知识和创业失败作为焦点问题加以考察,为深化创业学习理论研究做了一定的探索性工作。

    In order to solve the deficiency about entrepreneurship studying research in the two aspects , this research focuses on entrepreneurial knowledge and entrepreneurial failure and does explorative work on the entrepreneurial learning theory .

  8. 创业教育以创业知识、创业技能训练和创业精神培育为目标,为了实现这个目标,创业教育的教学体系应包括:创业精神、创业知识与技能、创业实践三大部分。

    The goal of entrepreneurship education is to develop the students ' entrepreneurial spirit and to cultivate knowledge and skill . To realize this goal , we designed the teaching system of entrepreneurship education , which consists of three components .

  9. 知识过滤、创业活动与经济增长:基于我国31个地区的实证研究

    Knowledge filter , entrepreneurial activity , and economic growth : The empirical analysis based on 31 regions in China

  10. 知识流动、创业活动对经济增长的影响&一种解释中国区域经济差异的观点

    Knowledge Flow and Entrepreneurship Activities Drive Economic Development & A Perspective to Explain the Economic Variation Among Regions in China

  11. 创业素质的形成和培养主要包括创业知识储备、创业能力培养、创业心理素质、创业冲动和动力。

    The forming and fostering of this quality include the knowledge reserve the ability foster the psychology quality and the motive power .

  12. 通过讲座为在校大学生传播更多的创业知识,提高创业能力,更好的适应现代社会的发展。

    Through seminars for college students spread more entrepreneurial expertise , entrepreneurial skills , better suited to the development of modern society .

  13. 创业教育有其丰富的内容,一般包含创业意识教育、创业品质教育、创业知识教育和创业能力教育。

    The enterprising education has its own rich content , including enterprising awareness education , enterprising quality education , enterprising knowledge education and enterprising ability education .

  14. 同时对大学生创业素质的组成做出了明确划分,把创业意识、创业精神、创业能力、创业知识对大学生创业素质的影响做出梳理;第二部分是大学生创业素质存在的问题及原因分析。

    At the same time made a clear division of the entrepreneurial quality of college students , The second part is the college students ' entrepreneurial quality problems and cause analysis .

  15. 创业教育是我国高等教育富有时代性的重要使命。创业素养包含三个方面:创业意识、创业知识结构、创业心理品质。

    Pioneering education is an important and epochal mission of higher education in our country , and pioneering attainments involve three aspects : the pioneering consciousness , the structure of pioneering knowledge and the pioneering mental character .

  16. 其次,介绍了创业投资相关理论知识,包括创业投资的含义及特点、生命周期、投资系统以及基本组成等几个方面,是本文写作的理论基础。

    Thus have a complete understanding and awareness . Secondly , it introduces venture capital-related theoretical knowledge , including meaning and theoretical knowledge , life cycle , the investment system and the basis composition and so on .

  17. 知识经济条件下创业教育政策与个人创业活动的关系探讨

    An Exploration of the Relationship between Work-Pioneering Education Policy and Work-Pioneering Activities under Intellectual Economic Conditions

  18. 在如今的知识经济时代,创业投资在推动高新技术产业化方面具有十分重要的作用。

    Venture Capital ( VC ) plays an important role in promoting the industrialization of high-tech in the knowledge economy era .

  19. 引导学生树立创业意识,学习创业知识,以提高创业的能力。

    Guide the students to cultivate a consciousness of entrepreneurship education and learn its relavant knowledge so as to improve their capability of entrepreneurship .

  20. 随着知识经济的到来和创业热潮的兴起,知识型创业企业必将大量涌现。

    With the advent of knowledge-based economy and the rise of entrepreneurial tide , there will be a large number of knowledge-based start-ups .