
  • 网络Known fate
  1. 尽管我已经快到了知天命的岁数,但记忆却不那么糟糕。

    I may be almost 50 , but there 's not a lot of things I 've forgotten

  2. 从知天命到制天命&论原始儒家生之伦理的实现方式生命看来似乎起源于40亿年前覆盖着地球的原始海洋。

    On the Mode of Practice of Confucian Ethical Thought of Sheng Life seems to have originated in the primordial oceans that covered the Earth four billion years ago .

  3. 中国古代思想家孔子说:“四十而不惑,五十而知天命。”

    Confucius , China 's ancient philosopher , says : " At forty I had no more doubts and at fifty , I knew the will of Heaven . "

  4. 另一方面,他肯定了人在自然界面前的主导作用和能动作用,尽人事而知天命就能“制天命而用之”,做到人定胜天,这种思想是战国后期人民战天斗地发展生产的反映。

    On the other hand , he affirmed the dominant and positive power of human beings in nature and put forward the thought of " controlling fatality and making use of it . "

  5. 眼看着我就要迎来自己的知天命之年,不知道过去十年里都在尝试解开长寿之谜的比特纳先生,能不能让我在中途修正一下我的人生呢?

    With my own half-century mark eerily visible on the horizon , could Mr. Buettner , who has spent the last 10 years unlocking the mysteries of longevity , offer me a midcourse correction ?

  6. 一篇学术论文有几十页,甚至是几百页。这些博士有的还是二十出头的小伙儿,有些已经是知天命的四十岁中年人了。

    A thesis can be dozens of pages in mathematics , or many hundreds in history . As a result , newly minted PhDs can be as young as their early 20s or world-weary forty-somethings .