
zhī mínɡ dù
  • popularity;renown
  1. 他的知名度很高。

    He enjoys great popularity .

  2. 因为他们无法让食物质量跟上突然暴增的知名度。

    because they wouldn 't be able to keep up their quality of food with such a drastic jump in popularity .

  3. 我的双亲是具有知名度的艺术家。

    My parents were artists of repute .

  4. 这家俱乐部在过去20年间知名度大增。

    This club has grown in stature over the last 20 years .

  5. 这个乐队通过到北美各地演出打响了知名度。

    The group built their reputation by playing across the length and breadth of North America

  6. 他任董事长的最初几年为提升公司的知名度起到了积极的推动作用。

    In his first years as chairman he was instrumental in raising the company 's wider profile

  7. 进行分享的研究者个人也会大获裨益,包括与同事更多的接触、提高知名度和敖据引用频率。

    Researchers   who   share   get   plenty   of   personal   benefits ,   including   more   connections   with   colleagues ,   improved   visibility   and   increased   citations .

  8. “捏造恋情”指的是虚假恋情,尤指为了增加知名度而捏造出来的恋情。

    Fauxmance is a fake romance , particularly one used to generate publicity1 for the participants .

  9. 想要达到这种效果,你就要花钱雇一个刷信誉团体。过去几年涌现出了数百家专事刷信誉的公司,为那些想要通过非常规手段迅速提升知名度的商家送上大批的“赞”。

    Hundreds of companies have sprung up in the last couple of years specializing in click farming , delivering bundles of online approval to businesses requiring a quick and dirty way to boost their popularity .

  10. 和Amazon一样,Google有很大的知名度,也有很大的缓存。

    Like Amazon , Google carries a tremendous degree of name recognition and cache .

  11. H公司是国内电能表行业的龙头企业之一,有四十多年的发展历程,有着较好的知名度和美誉度。

    H company act as one of the leading company in domestic meter industry , it has good popularity and reputation .

  12. 像苹果(Apple)和思科这样的市场引领企业在技术和品牌知名度上占有优势,且现金储备殷实。

    Leaders like Apple and Cisco boast an edge in technology and brand recognition , and have bundles of cash .

  13. 电磁兼容(EMC)技术在电子电气产品设计研发中起着重要作用,它有助于改进产品质量,提高企业品牌和产品知名度,使中国产品成功打入国际市场。

    EMC technology plays an important role in electronic and electrical products .

  14. 并成功将JH集团塑造成了一个高知名度的品牌。

    And successfully shaping JH Group has become a high-profile brands .

  15. B2C网站品牌管理应注重打造网站品牌知名度,通过多种渠道、配合多种方式来提升自己的知名度。

    B2C website brand management should build popularity of brand by many ways that can upgrade own popularity .

  16. 通过向顾客提供激励,促使顾客通过Twitter和Facebook等社交媒体分享自己的购物体验,企业可以达到良好的品牌知名度。

    By incorporating incentives for customers to share their experience on social media channels like Twitter and Facebook , companies can create a larger organic buzz about their brand .

  17. 确定了扩大DP品牌知名度,巩固梅州地区核心市场,稳步推进全省市场的总体思路。

    DP determined to expand brand awareness , strengthen core markets in Meizhou , and steadily promote the general idea of the province ' smarket .

  18. Kitty有很多知名度很高的朋友,包括歌星玛丽亚·凯莉和莉萨·洛普,因此Kitty对一批成年人也很有吸引力。

    With high-profile friends including singers Mariah Carey and Lisa Loeb , Hello Kitty is also attracting a whole new set of adult fans .

  19. 但在苹果现任首席执行长库克(TimCook)的领导下,苹果正将其业务更加公平地分包给另一家知名度较小的供应商。这家科技巨头的供应链因此变得更加平衡。

    But under current Chief Executive Tim Cook , Apple is dividing its weight more equally with a relatively unknown supplier , giving the technology giant a greater supply-chain balance .

  20. 周三,众议院议长约翰·A·博纳(JohnA.Boehner)呼吁奥巴马考虑颁布禁令,禁止埃博拉病毒迅速蔓延的西非国家的乘客前往美国,博纳成为了提出此类要求的知名度最高的共和党人。

    Speaker John A. Boehner of the House on Wednesday became the highest-profile Republican to urge Mr. Obama to consider a ban on travel to the United States from West African countries where the Ebola virus is spreading rapidly .

  21. 随着美中采购中心在美国当地知名度的提高,更多采购商接受ULA的服务模式。

    As the raising of China Sourcing Center 's prestige , more purchasers accept ULA 's Service .

  22. 为了提高科学在全世界的知名度,Bokava还提出组建一个由知名科学家组成的科学咨询机构,成员包括诺贝尔奖获得者和UNESCO奖获得者。

    To raise the profile of science around the world Bokova also proposes a science advisory body comprising eminent scientists including Nobel laureates and UNESCO prize winners .

  23. 一部以美国总统乔治W布什的家乡德克萨斯州为主题的多媒体艺术作品击败了奥萨马本拉登的数字化虚拟住所,赢得英国知名度最高的艺术大奖&特纳奖。

    An exhibit featuring a film about US President George W.Bush 's home town in Texas won the Turner Prize , Britain 's most prestigious art award , pipping a digital recreation of Osama bin Laden 's house .

  24. XX产品的出口不仅为公司带来了丰厚的利润回报,同时也使XX公司在国际上的知名度、美誉度大大提高。

    XX product 's export not only has brought the rich profit repayment for the company , simultaneously also makes XX company popularity internationally , the fine reputation to enhance greatly .

  25. 当时该公司也有着很高的知名度,《超级马里奥》(SuperMario)等著名的授权游戏风靡全球,但它的硬件业务却处于一片混乱状态。

    The company was still popular , and its famed franchises , like " Super Mario , " were huge around the world , but its hardware division was in a state of disarray .

  26. “Sweethearts”是美国糖果制造商NECCO生产的一款心形糖果,印在这种糖果上的文字给NECCO带来了很高的知名度。

    Candy manufacturer Necco is well-known for the messages printed on its heart-shaped sweethearts candies .

  27. 为提高其品牌在海外消费者中的知名度,华为一直在扩大国际营销支出,主要是通过与欧洲的职业足球队签订赞助协议,比如英国的阿森纳足球俱乐部和意大利的AC米兰足球俱乐部。

    To make its name more recognized by consumers abroad , Huawei has been spending more on international marketing , mainly through sponsorship deals with professional soccer teams in Europe , such as the U.K. 's Arsenal Football Club and Italy 's AC Milan .

  28. 当然也有很多明星通过WGM节目增加了自己的知名度,然后他们就渴望更多这样的知名度。

    Of course , there are stars who 've gained a lot of popularity through'WGM'and they become hungry for more .

  29. 沃克一直在与Lava的职员合作,来提升Lorde的知名度,他负责包括营销和推广在内的宣传策略。

    Mr. Walk has been working with a team of Lava employees on raising Lorde 's profile . He oversees strategy , which includes marketing and promotion .

  30. 公司通过建设公司网站和网站流量分析的方法,获取市场和客户信息,通过应用搜索引擎优化(SEO),来推广网站和公司知名度,通过电子邮件营销加强客户关系管理。

    Company H set company website to collect market information ; applied the Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) to promote in the internet ; applied the E-mail marketing to improve customer relationship .