- county magistrate (in the Republic of China);magistrate of a county;sensible

(1) [county magistrate (in the Republic of China)]∶中华民国初期对县一级最高行政官的称呼
(2) [sensible]∶通晓事理;懂事
Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike has said she is pressing ahead to allow school children to attend the Paralympics , as long as parents and schools are supportive .
The party lost all three of its races for prefectural governorships to the LDP .
The dispute escalated this year after Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara started a campaign to buy them from their private owner .
In Osaka , Japan 's second most populous region , the governor , Toru Hashimoto , aims to merge the city and the prefecture to give it Tokyo-like economic clout .
Shintaro Ishihara , the rightwing Tokyo governor and an outspoken critic of China , has resigned to form a new political party and return to national politics .
In2008 reform-minded prefectural governors from several parties formed a group called Sentaku , aimed at reducing interference from Tokyo bureaucrats .
Shintaro Ishihara , the former governor of Tokyo , recently unveiled a new political party which , he says , will help build a " stronger and tougher Japan " .
In the car-manufacturing city of Nagoya , Takashi Kawamura , a mayor with a taste for tropical shirts , enjoys strong popularity for trying to halve assembly-members'salaries to pay for a city tax cut .
The allegations have come to light amid renewed scrutiny of Tokyo 's governor , Yoichi Masuzoe , who faces questions over huge spending on official trips overseas and the heavy use of Tokyo metropolitan government vehicles to visit his holiday home .
Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike urged residents to start taking precautions immediately .
Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike has said the current situation is quite grave .
On the Examination of the County Magistrate in the First Years of the Republic
A Group Analysis of the Head of the County in the Puppet Regime of Jiangsu
Governor Yuriko Koike says daily infections in the city are expected to reach 1000 .
The governor is directly elected by the citizens , and represents the metropolis of tokyo .
So it is that the purses of the magistrates and their underlings perforce remain empty .
Everything from the red carpet to the ceremony to the Governors Ball caught everyone 's eye .
Recently , Saito , Vice Governor of Tokushima Prefecture in Shanghai show students recommended Tokushima-attractive tourist place .
Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike , who took office in August , ordered a review of Olympic expenses .
That same year he stood for election as governor of Tokyo , equivalent to being mayor of London or New York .
However , in an e-mail message to his subordinates , the US commander in Okinawa insulted the Okinawa magistrate and parliament .
Still , many worry that the Futenma relocation saga will continue for many years even if the governor grants a landfill permit .
Mr. Yokouchi of Yamanashi Prefecture opposed the winter ban because serious climbers still need to train in the winter and because the cottages on the mountain would suffer .
The former novelist turned rightwing politician , a four-term Tokyo governor who is often in the news for his controversial remarks , needs little introduction to Japanese voters .
At this time , the county magistrate community differed from the Qing dynasty in the tenure native parrying system as well as the tenure period and the replacing system .
The judicial system in Hunan remains one in which the county magistrate is concurrently in charge of judicial affairs , with an assistant to help him in handling cases .
Heita Kawakatsu , the governor of Shizuoka Prefecture , which also borders the mountain , said there are plenty of inns and restaurants to accommodate a rise in visitors .
An Osaka prefecture official said : " We 've asked schools to close down and let students stay at home unless there 's a special need to go out . "
The five-party meeting was attended by IOC President Thomas Bach , IPC chief Andrew Parsons , Japan 's Olympic Minister Tamayo Marukawa , Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike , and Hashimoto .
In1251 , Xie Fanshu was conferred as county magistrate assisting Zhao Yun in charge of military secrets , boundary defense and discussing the kingdom 's important affairs with the prime minister .