
miáo zhǔn qì
  • sight;sighting device;foresight;aiming device
瞄准器[miáo zhǔn qì]
  1. 在火炮上能够作为瞄准器的望远镜。

    A telescope on a firearm for use as a sight .

  2. 用来瞄准枪的瞄准器。

    A sight used for aiming a gun .

  3. 任何借助望远镜瞄准器的像样射手都可以随意把我们逐个干掉。

    Any decent shot with telescopic sights could pick us off at random .

  4. 面向RPM的颈椎置钉瞄准器的CAD反求技术

    CAD reverse technique for RPM about the collimator for setting nails on cervical vertebra

  5. 一种新型电容式位置传感器CWMDR系列电容式位置瞄准器

    New type CWM-DR series capacity position sensor

  6. 颈椎椎弓根螺钉瞄准器的研制与实验

    Design and Experiment of the Pedicle Aiming Device forthe Cervical Spine

  7. 把那个东西推上来,那是瞄准器。

    Now flip that thing up . it 's your aimer .

  8. 瞄准器的人机系统分析法

    Sights Analysis by Means of the Approach to Man-Machine Systems Analysis

  9. 股骨颈瞄准器的研制及临床应用

    Design and clinical application of an aiming device for femoral neck

  10. 他可是拿瞄准器盯着我的位置。

    He 's got me lined up in his crosshairs .

  11. 瞄准器引导股骨交锁髓内钉远端锁钉的再认识

    Understanding of distal locking in femoral intramedullary nail with matched target device

  12. 射击瞄准器装有用于夜间视力的红外线镜头。

    The gunsight has an infrared lens for night vision .

  13. 就象什么人在瞄准器中对准了你?

    Like someone 's got you in their crosshairs ?

  14. 在瞄准器的后部有一个开着的凹口取代了原来的窥视孔或望远镜。

    Rear gunsight having an open notch instead of a peephole or telescope .

  15. 反正我已经给你订了个新瞄准器。

    Anyway , I took the liberty of ordering you a new scope .

  16. 头盔瞄准器数据采集系统硬件设计

    Hardware Design of Data Acquisition System for Helmet Sighting

  17. 用枪炮瞄准器跟踪敌人战斗机。

    Locked the enemy fighter in the gun sights .

  18. 关节镜下双臂万向瞄准器的研制与临床应用

    Design and clinical application of an arthroscopic universal aiming device for cruciate ligament reconstruction

  19. 虽然直击火箭装有瞄准器,但并不能使用。

    The projectiles for the Direct Hit and the Rocket Launcher are both identical .

  20. 改进后的远端锁钉瞄准器无需X线引导,锁钉准确可靠。

    The improved distal locking localization device was screwed in accurately without X-ray guidance .

  21. 调准后视镜、照相机的焦距、枪炮的瞄准器

    Adjust the rear mirror , the focus of a camera , the sights of a gun

  22. 他用左轮手枪瞄准那个贼。用来瞄准枪的瞄准器。

    He presented a revolver at the thief . a sight used for aiming a gun .

  23. 导弹一经被发射,操作员把它的瞄准器持续对准目标。

    Once the missile is launched , the operator continues aiming its sight at the target .

  24. 手持式颈椎椎弓根螺钉置钉瞄准器的研制及意义

    Study on the manual aiming device for the cervical pedicle screw placement and its clinical significance

  25. 用望远瞄准器,你可以轻易打中130米开外的目标。

    You can hit the target easily from a hundred and thirty metres using a telescopic sight .

  26. 可发射四支镖的秘密行动用武器。被击中的目标立刻不省人事。短射程。可选配激光瞄准器。

    Four dart stealth weapon . Renders target instantly unconscious . Short range . Optional laser sight .

  27. 能够以最短的射程快速瞄准火器的瞄准器组。

    An arrangement of sights that makes possible the rapid aiming of a firearm at short ranges .

  28. 光学直视水平瞄准器

    Optical eye level finder

  29. 结论:在安装交锁髓内钉时,尽量在术中做到无外力干扰交锁髓内钉主钉与瞄准器。

    Conclusion : It is important to avoid the force disturbance to the main nail and the guide .

  30. 轰炸机编队中负责运用轰炸瞄准器和投弹击中目标的轰炸员。

    The member of a bomber crew responsible for using the bombsight and releasing the bombs on the target .