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  • Eye Hospital;ophthalmic hospital
  1. 云南最好的眼科医院是那家?

    Is the ophthalmic hospital with best Yunnan that ?

  2. 劝您还是快到眼科医院去看一看,找到合适的医生为您查明情况并解决眼部问题。

    Persuade you or have a look quickly to ophthalmic hospital , find appropriate doctor to prove a case and solve eye department problem for you .

  3. 可就在爱尔兰的医生们束手无策之时,麦克尼克听说英格兰布莱顿市的苏塞克斯眼科医院有一位ChiristopherLiu博士,他能做一种名叫“骨齿人工角膜植入术”的神奇手术。

    After doctors in Ireland said there was nothing more they could do , McNichol heard about a miracle operation called Osteo-Odonto-Keratoprosthesis ( OOKP ) being performed by Dr Christopher Liu at the Sussex Eye Hospital in Brighton in England .

  4. 如今,Aravind眼科医院已经成为世界上最大的眼保健服务提供者。

    Today Aravind Eye Care System is the largest eye care provider in the world .

  5. Venkataswamy医生在泰米尔纳德邦马杜赖建立了第一座Aravind眼科医院,当时仅有11张病床。

    Doctor Venkataswamy established the first Aravind Eye Hospital in Madurai , in Tamil Nadu state , with only eleven beds .

  6. 方法回顾性分析1997年~1999年在德国Saarland大学眼科医院因药物控制不佳而行非穿透性滤过手术的原发性开角型青光眼病例资料。

    Methods A retrospective study of primary open-angle glaucoma with bad anti glaucoma drug control and treated by non penetrating filtering surgery in Saarland University ( Germany ) from 1997 to 1999 was performed .

  7. 奥比斯用一个飞行的眼科医院,到访那些贫穷的国家。

    ORBIS uses a flying eye hospital to visit poor countries .

  8. 护理干预对眼科医院感染的影响

    Influence of Nursing Intervention on Iatrogenic Infection of Patients in Ophthalmology Department

  9. 眼科医院麻醉科建设的难点与对策

    Difficulties and Countermeasures in the construction of anesthesia department in ophthalmology hospital

  10. 终于我们到达了眼科医院去检查我的眼睛。

    Finally we arrived at the eye hospital , check my eyes .

  11. 某眼科医院手术室的感染监测及措施应用

    Infection Monitoring and Measure Adopting in the Operating Room of Shanxi Eye Hospital

  12. 基于年龄分布的温州市某眼科医院住院患者特征分析

    Analyzing the Characteristics of Inpatients on Age Distribution from Eye Hospital of Wenzhou

  13. 最近仰光的眼科医院发生了惊人的变化。

    Here at the Yangon Eye Hospital , an amazing transformation has recently occurred .

  14. 他现在在同仁医院工作,这是中国最好的眼科医院之一。

    He now works in Tongren Hospital , one of the best eye hospitals in China .

  15. 本文介绍了一所眼科医院设备数据库的设计思路,数据库内容以及用途。

    A way of designing and usage of ophthalmic equipment database were introduced in this paper .

  16. 目的探讨眼科医院感染的发生因素及控制措施。

    OBJECTIVE To discuss the factors and control steps of hospital infection in ophthalmology and to reduce it .

  17. 我参观一间由扶轮基金会所资助的眼科医院,在那里眼盲的人进去而出来时则是眼明的。

    I visited a Rotary Foundation funded eye hospital where the blind walk in and the sighted walk out .

  18. 这正是本创业方案所要给出的答案和体现的价值所在。重庆爱尔眼科医院创业方案,是一个以实际商业运作案例为基础的方案。

    The business plan of " Chongqin Aier Ophthalmology Hospital " is a project based on practical business operational case .

  19. 在英国,只有布赖顿苏塞克斯眼科医院的眼科医生克里斯托佛·刘能做这样的手术。

    It is performed in this country by just one ophthalmic surgeon , Mr Christopher Liu of the Sussex Eye Hospital in Brighton .

  20. 根据边际效益递减的理论,眼科医院在这一项目上将面临所耗费的宣传成本越来越高,但手术量的增幅将越来越不明显。

    According to the theory of Boundary Benefit Degression , ophthalmology hospitals will face the reality of faster increasing promotion cost and slower increasing surgery quantity .

  21. 去年秋天,一位个头不高,说话轻声软语的男人从布列塔尼老家来到了巴黎东部的Quinze-Vingts眼科医院。他就是乔治斯。

    One recent autumn day , Georges , a small , soft-spoken man , traveled from his home in Brittany to the Quinze-Vingts hospital in eastern Paris .

  22. 悉尼眼科医院的一位专科医师说,宽边墨镜保护眼睛的效果最好,儿童从三四岁起就应该开始佩戴。

    A specialist at Sydney Eye Hospital said that wraparound glasses were the best for eye protection and children should be encouraged to wear them from the age of three or four .

  23. 以天津眼科医院验光配镜中心为测评对象,对服务业顾客满意度测评进行实证研究,构建适合眼镜连锁业的顾客满意度测评指标体系。

    By studying the empirical case of customer satisfaction measurement from the optometry center in Tianjin optical hospital , the author constructs an index system of Customer Satisfaction Measurement for glasses chain shops .

  24. 本研究结合眼科医院对青光眼病人临床护理的需要,基于青光眼病人的心理特征,给予相应的心理咨询与心理护理,并建立适合临床使用的心理干预程序。

    With the clinical care needs of The Eye Hospital , this research based on the psychological characteristics of glaucoma patients , to give the appropriate psychological counseling and psychological care , and to establish appropriate psychological intervention program .

  25. 国际扶轮社纳夫萨里分社在纳夫萨里和周边地区开设了一所眼科医院和九个地区眼科中心,扶轮社声称为最穷苦的人服务,该组织于1970年设立一所医院,即纳夫萨里扶轮社眼科研究所。

    The Rotary Club of Navsari operates an eye hospital and nine area eye centers in and around the Navsari District . Rotary says its services are for the poorest people . The group opened the hospital , the Rotary Eye Institute of Navsari , in nineteen seventy .

  26. 眼科专科医院评估指标体系的研究与构建

    Establishment of the assessment system for eye hospital

  27. 方法针对眼科发生医院感染危险因素,建立健全规章制度;

    METHODS To aim at the cause of hospital infection in ophthalmology , corresponding management countermeasures were taken .

  28. 目的分析眼科门诊医院感染的危险因素,提出对策,有效管理和预防医院感染。

    OBJECTIVE To analyze risk factors of hospital acquired infection ( HAI ) in ophthalmic clinic , and to plan to manage and prevent HAI .

  29. 目的为揭示眼科专科医院病房医院感染因素的相互关系,给预防和控制医院感染提供可靠依据。

    OBJECTIVE To analyze the correlated factors for nosocomial infections in specialized ophthalmic hospital and to provide reliable evidence on how to prevent and control nosocomial infections .

  30. 眼科专科医院要想与综合医院竞争,必须具备自己医院的质量管理体系,作为主导力量来带动整个医疗竞争局面的竞争力。

    Eye hospital must develop quality management system to compete with general hospitals , which would be the main power empowering competition in the whole medial services market .