
zhǎ yǎn
  • blink;wink;nictitation;nictation;very short time
眨眼 [zhǎ yǎn]
  • (1) [wink]

  • (2) 迅速而无意识地开合眼睑

  • 彼此凝视着好像打赌的输赢取决于第一个眨眼的人

  • (3) 比喻时间极短

  • 眨眼间就飞走了

眨眼[zhǎ yǎn]
  1. 我眨眼工夫就回来。

    I 'll be back before you can blink .

  2. “我知道你明白。”他说道,会意地眨一眨眼。

    ' I know you understand , ' he said and gave a conspiratorial wink .

  3. 他冲她眨了眨眼,她便知道他的想法和她一样。

    He winked at her and she knew he was thinking the same thing that she was .

  4. 波莉眨了眨眼,吹了一声低沉而悠长的口哨。

    Polly blinked and emitted a long , low whistle .

  5. 他预言我的头发“一眨眼”就会长回来。

    He predicted that my hair would grow back ' in no time '

  6. 他眨眼间就能缝补好。

    He will sew it up in a trice

  7. 不管给他吃什么,他都能眨眼就下肚。

    No matter what he is offered to eat he polishes it off in an instant

  8. 睡袋几乎一眨眼就卖完了。

    Sleeping bags sold out almost immediately

  9. 他朝她眨了眨眼。

    He blinked at her .

  10. 对瞎马点头眨眼都是一样。

    A wink is as good as a nod to a blind horse .

  11. 那个人一眨眼功夫就逃跑了。

    The man ran off before you could say " knife " .

  12. 约翰叔叔隔着桌子向我眨眼。

    Uncle John winked at me across the table .

  13. 她眨眼使泪水掉下来。

    She blinked away her tears .

  14. 一眨眼就能花掉,这不是有点奇怪吗?

    Isn 't it a bit weird that spending it should happen in half a blink of an eye ?

  15. 当时是夏天。有一天,妈妈开车送我去自行车店修轮胎。我看见橱窗里有一个装饰着鲜花的白色塑料篮子,它闪闪发亮,像是在对我眨眼,我知道——我知道——我必须拥有它。

    It was summer and , one day , my mother drove me to the bike shop to get a tire fixed-and there it was in the window , White , shiny , plastic and decorated with flowers , the basket winked at me and I knew-I knew-I had to have it .

  16. 他只能通过眨眼来进行交流。

    He couldn 't communicate except by blinking .

  17. 一眨眼的工夫他就没影了。

    In a blink of an eye he had disappeared .

  18. 他眨眼暗示我按那个价格就不要买。

    He tipped me the wink not to buy at that price .

  19. 脸上顿时变了颜色,一眨眼工夫变得衰老而虚弱。

    The colour went from his face and be looked old and sick .

  20. 挑逗的“眨眼亲亲”表情和“流泪”表情也进入前五名。

    The flirtatious and kiss " and " sad face with a tear " emojis respectively rounded out the top five .

  21. 当地面控制人员通过监控摄像头终于看见杨利伟眨眼时,同事们忍不住喊出了声:“他眨眼了!利伟还活着!”

    When ground control finally saw Yang blink his eyes through the surveillance camera , his colleagues burst out crying , " He 's blinking ! Yang is alive ! "

  22. 人们举办赏花会来庆祝,蜂拥到热门景点拍照,在樱花树下野餐。但是今年,樱花季眨眼之间来了又去,花期前所未有地早。科学家警告说,这预示着更大规模威胁各地生态系统的气候危机即将到来。

    But this year , cherry blossom season has come and gone in the blink of an eye , in one of the earliest blooms on record -- and scientists warn it 's a symptom of the larger climate crisis threatening ecosystems everywhere .

  23. “在地质史中,这是一个小插曲,只是眨眼间的事情。看到如此迅速的变化,发生得如此之快,是一件令人吃惊的事情。”

    So in geological history , this is a [ blip ] , so it 's just a wink3 of an eye . And to see such rapid changes , or such changes … occurring so rapidly , is something that 's astonishing , I would say .

  24. 门诊部经常咨询父母:“医生,我的孩子最近经常眨眼,就像他不会打喷嚏一样。其他人说这孩子很淘气。我在网上查过,难道不是多发性抽动症吗?”

    The clinic often encounters parent counseling : " doctor , my child recently often winks and makes eyes as if he is about to sneeze and cannot hit the appearance , others say that the child is naughty , I checked on the Internet , can not be tourette ? "

  25. 基于带参考信号的ICA算法的脑电信号眨眼伪差的分离研究

    Removing Blinking Artifacts from EEG Based on ICA Algorithm with Reference Signals

  26. 性别间比较,发现早产儿与足月儿的眨眼率均无性别差异(p0.05)。

    No sex differences were found in eye-blink rate of both preterm and full-term infants ( p0.05 ) . 2 .

  27. 要让老虎眨眼,可以通过在相应的XML中定位这两个区域及其路径来在两个区域间交替透明性。

    To make the tiger blink , you alternate the transparency between the two areas by locating both the areas and paths in the corresponding XML .

  28. 这个赌局的来历是这样的,马修·佩里和威利斯在《杀手不眨眼》(TheWholeNineYards)这部电影里一起担任主角,佩里和威利斯打赌这部电影上映之后票房排名绝对会得第一,而威利斯却不相信。

    The story goes that Perry bet Willis that the film would debut at number one in the box office , and Willis disagreed .

  29. Mark1比佳佳更棒的是,她可以活动四肢,转头,弯腰,微笑以及眨眼。

    Mark 1 actually outperforms Jia Jia in that the former can move its limbs , turn its head , bow , smirk , and wink .

  30. 本研究提出了一种基于带参考信号的ICA算法的脑电信号眨眼伪差的分离方法,可以得到纯净的脑电信号。

    Based on ICA algorithm with reference signals , a method of removing blinking artifacts was proposed in this paper .
