
  1. 金光灿烂的朝阳从它的大海眠床上冉冉升起,把温暖和光明倾泻给大地。

    Up the sun came in glory from his ocean bed , and flooded the earth with warmth and light .

  2. 一块草地可以作我们两人枕首的地方;两个胸膛一条心,应该合睡在一个眠床。

    LYSANDER One turf shall serve as pillow for us both ; One heart , one bed , two bosoms , and one troth .

  3. 当你不情愿地从眠床上起来时,记住这是按照你的结构和人的本性去从事社会活动,而睡眠却是对无理智的动物也是同样的。

    When thou risest from sleep with reluctance , remember that it is according to thy constitution and according to human nature to perform social acts , but sleeping is common also to irrational animals .