
zhēn hánɡ xiànɡ
  • True heading;true course/heading
  1. 设计了GPS时间同步系统,利用该系统分析研究了串口与网线通信的实时性与可靠性,并在某真航向测量系统中得到了应用。

    Time synchronization system is designed to make some research on real-time and reliability capability of data sampling as well .

  2. 潜艇真航向测量方法研究

    Study of measure method for true course of submarine

  3. 文章分析了某型潜艇真航向测量系统的接口箱硬件特点及相应的软件要求。在接口箱系统的单任务操作系统下,需要一种任务调度策略来实现多任务实时性。

    In this paper , the characteristics of the navigation data acquisition equipment used on some submarine are analyzed and the task scheduling demand of this set is rigorous .

  4. 本系统采用磁阻传感器来直接敏感合成磁场求得罗航向与从电罗经获得真航向及磁航向相比较求罗经自差。

    This system utilizes magnetoresistive sensor to induct the environment magnetic field for compass course , and get true course from gyrocompass , then compare compass course with true course in order to compass deviation .