
zhēn kōnɡ xì tǒnɡ
  • vacuum system
  1. 制备~(14)C苯样品的金属真空系统

    A metallic vacuum system for preparing the benzene sample of 14C

  2. EAST超导托卡马克部分真空系统研究

    Studies on Part of Vacuum System of EAST TOKAMAK

  3. 真空系统中CO的置换解吸及对质谱分析的影响

    CO Displacement Desorption in Vacuum and Its Influence on the Mass Spectroscopy

  4. 吉玛PET工艺真空系统常见问题分析及处理方法

    Vaccum system commom problems analysis and treatment of Zimmer PET process

  5. 介绍X射线光学多层膜的构成原理、制作、测量方法及在超高真空系统中的研制技术。

    The paper introduced the principle of structure of soft X-ray optics multilayers , and released the technique of measurement and fabrication of the multilayers in the UHV system .

  6. 本文介绍了BEPC工程(北京正负电子对撞机)同步辐射X射线光刻光束线真空系统设计。

    This paper describes the design of a vacuum system for the X-ray lithograph beam line of Beijing Electron Positron Colliding Device .

  7. FEB-E抽气系统有二个子系统:环粗抽系统和环高真空系统。

    The FEB E pumping system consists of two major subsystems , the torus rough pumping system and the torus high vacuum pumping system .

  8. 同时对储存环真空系统的关键设备真空盒、光子吸收器和RF屏蔽波纹管的设计原理、加工工艺以及实验方法进行了说明。

    Discussion focused on its designing principle , machining and testing technologies of the key vacuum devices , such as the vacuum chamber , photon absorber and RF bellows .

  9. 当通电时将P、A端管路接通、断电时切断P、A端管路,保持P端真空系统的真空度。适用介质为纯净空气和非腐蚀性气体。

    When power is connected , pipes at P and A will be put through , and when power is disconnected , pipes at P and A will be cut off , to keep the vacuum system at P vacuum .

  10. RH-KTB复杂大型炉外精炼真空系统用于对钢水的提纯处理。

    RH-KTB vacuum system is complex-large system used to refine and purify steel .

  11. 阐述包钢方坯连铸机VD炉真空系统的工作原理,对VD炉真空系统的常见故障提出了解决办法。

    In this paper , the principle of the vacuum system of VD is analyzed and the methods to eliminate the faults of VD are put forward .

  12. 上海EBIT装置低温超导段超高真空系统

    UHV system in Shanghai EBIT cryo-superconduction chamber

  13. Quattro质谱仪的真空系统改造和性能测试

    The Improve on the Vacuum System of Quattro Mass Spectrograph and Its Specifications Test

  14. 第二章简单介绍了超高真空系统和变温扫描隧道显微镜(VTSTM)系统的建设,以及对变温STM系统作的一些主要的改进工作,为我们的研究工作做好仪器方面的准备。

    In Chapter 2 , we simply introduced the constructions of the ultra-high vacuum system and the VT STM system , and the main amelioration on the compound instruments .

  15. 北京正负电子对撞机(BEPC)是我国第一次建造的高能粒子加速器。其储存环真空系统为周长240.4米的跑道形圆形。

    The Beijing Electron Positron Collider ( BEPC ) project was first made in 1988 , The circumference of its storage ring vacuum system is 240.4m .

  16. TDR-70A型单晶炉真空系统与充气系统设计

    Design of vacuum system and charge system of crystal furnace

  17. 本文描述了用于2×2MV串列静电加速器的真空系统的设计、试验及实际运行情况。

    In this paper the design , test and operation of a vacuum system for 2 × 2 MY tandem are described .

  18. 文章简要介绍了日立H-600型电子显微镜抽真空系统,分析了抽真空程序及其程序控制电路。

    The paper simply introduces the evacuation system for model H-600 electron microscope and analyzes the program of evacuation and the program control circuit .

  19. 分析了提速改造中必须满足的条件,探讨了压榨选型、干燥地坑、蒸汽冷凝水系统、真空系统、QCS系统、流送系统配置的优化。

    The choice and arrangement of press section , dryers pit , condensed steam system , vaccum system , QCS system and approach system are discussed in particular .

  20. NBI真空系统的性能对束传输效率以及整个束线内部各部件的使用寿命与安全都有着非常重要的影响。

    The transmission efficiency of neutral beam is largely affected by the performance of vacuum system of neutral beam injector ( NBI ) as well as the life and safety of the equipment inside the NBI system .

  21. 邯郸热电厂2台200MW机组真空系统泄漏率较大,直接影响着机组的真空状况。

    There exist unacceptable leakage in the vacuum systems of two 200 MW units in Handan cogeneration Power Plant , which directly impact the vacuum condition .

  22. 该装置由激光等离子体光源、掠入射椭球聚光镜、透射掩模、镀有多层膜的Schwarzchild微缩投影物镜、涂有光刻胶的硅片及相应的真空系统组成。

    It includes a laser plasma source , an ellipsoidal condenser , a transmission mask , the Schwarzschild objective , a wafer and the associated vacuum apparatus .

  23. 通过理论计算,得出了日处理800t大豆坯的整个混合油负压蒸发系统总抽气量为36163m3/h,为真空系统设备选型提供了科学依据;

    In a 800 t / d soybean flan extraction , the total air exhaust capacity of miscella vacuum evaporation system is 361.63 m 3 / h by calculation , which provide the evidence for the equipment selection of vacuum system .

  24. 该文介绍了600MW汽轮机在试运时,真空系统出现的真空泵排气受阻、凝汽器进空气、小汽机轴封漏空气、真空泵入口滤网堵塞、凝汽器水位过高等问题。

    Some Problems happened in the vacuum system during the commissioning have been described in the paper such as the exhaust hinder of vacuum pump , air leakage of condenser and pump turbine , block of inlet filter of vacuum pump and too high water level of condenser , etc.

  25. 介绍了K-55-8.8型汽轮机真空系统利用氦质谱检漏仪对漏点的检测方法及综合治理措施,取得了良好的效果。

    This paper introduces a method of leakage detection by utilizing helium mass spectrometer leak detector and the comprehensive treatments based on the leakage detection for the vacuum system of a K-55-8.8 steam turbine , in which good effect is taken .

  26. 单晶炉真空系统的除尘技术

    Dust Handling Technology for Vacuum System of Single Crystal Growing Furnace

  27. 纸机水环式真空系统工作液的循环利用

    Working Liquid Circulation of Water Ring Vacuum System for Paper Machine

  28. 用于铯原子磁光阱的超高真空系统

    Ultra High Vacuum System for Magneto Optical Trap of Cesium Atoms

  29. DB&5型光栅扫描电子束曝光机真空系统

    Vacuum system of model DB-5 raster scanning electron beam exposure machine

  30. 多室真空系统残气密度测量及自洽计算

    Measurement and calculation of residual gas in a multichamber vacuum system