
  • 网络Vacuum oils;VACUUM PUMP OIL;Oil
  1. W(18)Cr4V钢真空油淬白亮层、熔化层形成原因的试验研究

    Study on the Formation of the white Layer and the Melted layer in W_ ( l8 ) Cr_4V Steel Oil Quenched in Vacuum

  2. 新型K-800A高真空油扩散泵的研制

    Development of new-type K-800A high vacuum oil diffusion pump

  3. KT-400高真空油扩散泵,它的特点是真空极限高,抽速大,提高生产效率,同时真空气动阀门采用自动控制。

    KT-400 high vacuum oil diffusion pump , which is characterized by extreme high vacuum , pumping speed large , increase production efficiency while the vacuum pneumatic valves with automatic control .

  4. 讨论了钢真空油淬和高压气淬的变形控制问题,提出了在选择这两种工艺时应遵循的原则。

    The distortion control of steels during vacuum oil quench and high pressure gas quenching is discussed .

  5. 真空油扩散泵及其设备泵液返流率红外光谱测定法

    Determination of back stream of pump fluid of vacuum oil diffusion pump as well as equipment with oil diffusion pump by infrared spectrum

  6. 详细地介绍了前苏联1953年由国家制订的高真空油扩散泵工业产品的统一系列。

    Describes in detail the unified standards formulated in 1953 for the series of high vacuum oil diffusion pumps manufactured in the former USSR .

  7. 介绍了新研制的高真空油扩散泵在拓宽抽气速率范围、提高临界前级压力、降低返油率方面的创新设计。

    Introduces the newly developed K-800A HV oil diffusion pump for its design of broadened range of pumping speed , increased critical backing pressure and reduced backstreaming rate .

  8. 并结合真空滤油机控制系统的实例,如PROFIBUS总线,USS协议,PID技术的应用,以及须要注意的问题,进行了详细说明。

    According to the practical example of vacuum oil-filter , the application of PROFIBUS field bus , USS protocol , PID technology and other problems were introduced .

  9. 针对真空净油机出油微水估计,基于最小二乘支持向量机(LSSVM)建立软测量模型。

    To estimate the moisture content at oil outlet , a soft sensor model based on least squares support vector machine ( LSSVM ) was presented .

  10. 真空提油法在处理变压器渗漏中的应用

    Application of Vacuum Oil Extracting Method in Treatment of Transformer Leakage

  11. 真空净油机的破乳化装置和全自动反冲洗装置

    Emulsion Breaker of Vacuum Oil Purifier and Fully Automatic Counter Rinser

  12. 矿物油型真空泵油的发展概况

    Development State of Vacuum Pump Oil of Mineral Oil Origin

  13. 真空滤油工艺在变压器检修工作中的应用

    Application of the Vacuum Oil Cleaning Technology in Transformer Overhaul

  14. 耐水真空泵油的研究与应用

    Study and application of water - proof vacuum pump oil

  15. 真空净油机高效雾化器和防泡沫装置

    High efficiency atomizer and foam breaking device of vacuum oil purifying machine

  16. 扩散真空泵油的制造与检验

    On the Mass Production of Hydrocarbon Type Diffusion Pump Oils

  17. 基于变频技术控制的真空滤油机

    Vacuum Oil - filter Base on Technology of Frequency Conversion

  18. 膨化颗粒饲料真空喷涂油、水的工艺参数研究

    Processing Parameters of Vacuum Infusion of Oil and Water to Extruded Feed Pellets

  19. 油封机械真空泵油锤效应的分析

    Analysis of Hydraulic Knocking for Oil-Sealed Mechanical Vacuum Pump

  20. 加氢处理润滑油基础油对真空泵油性能的改进

    Improve the performance of the vacuum pump oil with hydro-upgrading lube base oil

  21. 介绍真空净油机破乳化装置和全自动反冲洗装置的结构及工作原理。

    The article introduces the principle of operation of a vacuum oil purifier .

  22. 机械真空泵油性质与规格

    Properties and specifications of machine vacuum pump oils

  23. 气相色谱-质谱法测定废旧印刷线路板真空热解油的组分

    GC-MS for Determination of Components of Vacuum Pyrolyzed Oil of Waste Printed Circuit Board

  24. 降低真空滤油机的噪声

    Reduction of noise from vacuum oil - filter

  25. 用真空滤油机解决变压器油耐电压问题

    The solution of resistance to voltage for the transformer oil with the vacuum oil filter

  26. 真空净油机输油齿轮泵动轴密封失效及改进

    The Failure and Improvement of Gear Pump 's Driving Shaft in Vacuum Purifying Oil Machine

  27. 怎样选择常用真空泵油

    Selection of the general vacuum pump oil

  28. 机械真空泵油主要的两大类:合成系和矿物油系;

    In this paper it is presented that there are two kinds of vacuum mechanical pump oil .

  29. 矿物油型机械真空泵油

    Mineral Mechanical Vacuum Pump Oil

  30. 机械真空泵油

    Vacuum Mechanical Pump Oil