
zhēn xīn
  • wholehearted;heartfelt;sincere;true intention;bona fides;honest
真心 [zhēn xīn]
  • (1) [bona fides; honest]∶不含欺诈或欺骗的

  • (2) [sincere]∶心意真实恳切

  • 真心诚意地想娶她为妻

真心[zhēn xīn]
  1. 我只是想真心的找一个人来爱和被爱。

    I hope letting , coming love alone wholehearted and the love .

  2. 群众真心拥护这项政策。

    The masses give wholehearted support to this policy .

  3. 说真心话,无论如何我是真的不想去。

    To be perfectly honest , I didn 't want to go anyway .

  4. 他们是真心相爱。

    It was true love between them .

  5. 他大表爱慕之情,但我知道他不是真心的。

    He made a great show of affection , but I knew he didn 't mean it .

  6. 我真心想要的房子我买不起,所以只得退而求其次了。

    I couldn 't afford the house I really wanted , so I had to settle for second best .

  7. “我真心希望我们能再次重逢,”他说。

    ' I sincerely hope we shall meet again ' , he said

  8. 我真心希望你是对的。

    I hope to hell you 're right .

  9. 他真心狠,让驴驮这么重的东西。

    It is cruel of him to make the donkey carry such a heavy load .

  10. 她原谅了他是由于他的懊悔是真心的。

    She forgave him because his contrition was real .

  11. 然后你会洋溢着真心的喜悦,并且感染他人!

    And you 'll be filled with a heartfelt joy that is highly contagions !

  12. 就足以证明朋友的真心;

    That proves a friend indeed ;

  13. 如果你想知道你的闺蜜是否真心对你,只需看你需要她的时候她是否在你身边。

    If you want to know whether your ladybro is true to you , just see whether she is there when you need her .

  14. 暗恋一个人的心情,就像是瓶中等待发芽的种子,永远不能确定未来是否是美丽的,但却真心而倔强的等待着。

    To love someone in secret is like a seed in bottle waiting for growing up , though not sure whether the future will be more beautiful , stillwaiting it earnestly and eagerly .

  15. 像芬一样,她也是真心的喜欢威伯,这不只是因为他那肮脏的猪圈与尿的臭味儿能招来她需要的苍蝇,还因为她骄傲地看出他不是一个懦夫,勇于一再的学习织网。

    Like Fern , she was truly fond of Wilbur , whose smelly pen and stale food attracted the flies that she needed , and she was proud to see thathe was not a quitter and was willing to try again to spin a web .

  16. G20真心鼓励改善合作的第二个领域是金融改革。

    The second area where the G20 has genuinely encouraged better co-operation is financial reform .

  17. 但是记住,双子座的人有双重性格,他们说的不一定都是真心话。电动车用定子双馈电双凸极电机驱动系统的单神经元PID控制

    But remember , Geminis have two sides , they may not always be telling the truth . An Adaptive PID Control Based on Single Neuron of Stator-Doubly-Fed Doubly Salient Motor

  18. 我也是Yehuda重构的粉丝,我真心希望一个新的内嵌API能够帮助它实现一些Cells的功能。

    I 'm a great fan of Yehuda 's refactorings and I really hope the new internal API will open the way for something like Cells .

  19. 出于很多其他目的,TT也是实用的,书中非常好地对它们进行了解释,因此我真心地向所有Perl程序员(从初学者到高级程序员)推荐这本TT书籍。

    The TT is useful for so many other purposes , and the book explains them so well , that I heartily recommend the TT book to any Perl programmer , beginner to advanced .

  20. 最近几年的事实表明,虽然乔治•布什(GeorgeW.Bush)真心感谢托尼•布莱尔对他的支持,但还不至于心甘情愿让布莱尔对他的中东政策指手画脚。

    And the last few years have demonstrated that while George W. Bush is genuinely grateful to Tony Blair for his support - he is not so grateful that he is willing to let Blair dictate his policy on the Middle East .

  21. Jezebel网站上刊登的一篇博客则写道:这首歌令人绝望,不知道西克是真心悔改,还是为了炒作专辑。

    A Jezebel blog says the song is desperate and wonders if Thicke is genuine in his repentance or just wants to sell a few more albums .

  22. 如果他真心悔过,我们就应该原谅他。

    If he is really repentant , we should forgive him .

  23. 这个真心的自白,使新娘很感动,眼眶噙著泪水。

    The heartfelt declaration brought tears to his bride 's eyes .

  24. 我写的只是我真心希望的结果。

    I was writing about how I wanted things to be .

  25. 你真心喜欢音乐已经够糟糕了。

    It 's bad enough that you 're really into music .

  26. 但我真心希望,这不是奥巴马的肺腑之言。

    But I sincerely hope that Mr Obama was being insincere .

  27. 这是她第一次真心对我。

    And from the first time that she really done me .

  28. 感谢所有真心爱我的人。

    I thank all who have loved me in their hearts .

  29. 真心希望我的答案您能够满意。

    Sincerely hope my answer would be the one you desire .

  30. 我说,怎样才是真心的“对不起”?

    I said , how about a reai ''sorry ' ' ?