
méi tóu
  • brows
眉头 [méi tóu]
  • [brows] 两眉及附近的地方

  • 眉头一皱,计上心来

眉头[méi tóu]
  1. 他们皱着眉头抱怨起来。

    They knitted their brows and started to grumble

  2. 眉头一皱,计上心来。

    Knit the brows and a stratagem comes to mind .

  3. 埃玛皱起了眉头,努力使自己镇定下来。

    Emma frowned , making an effort to compose herself .

  4. “那是什么?”她皱着眉头问道。

    ‘ What 's that ? ’ she asked with a grimace .

  5. 他皱紧眉头。

    His forehead was bunched in a frown .

  6. 你为什么朝我皱眉头?

    What are you frowning at me for ?

  7. 她眉头紧锁全神贯注。

    Her brow furrowed in concentration .

  8. 她怀疑地挑起眉头。

    She raised a questioning eyebrow .

  9. 他的眉头皱得更紧了。

    His frown deepened .

  10. 她打开门站在那里,朝我皱着眉头。

    She opened the door and stood there , frowning at me

  11. 米奇看到几个人正在喝酒时皱起了眉头。

    Midge 's forehead furrowed as she saw that several were drinking

  12. 检察员掏出手帕,擦了擦眉头。

    The Inspector took out a handkerchief and mopped his brow .

  13. 神父在亮光下皱起了眉头,一脸疑惑。

    The priest frowned into the light , his face puzzled .

  14. 尼克回头看了看,又皱着眉头停了下来。

    Nick looked back over his shoulder and then stopped , frowning

  15. 她站起身来,看到丝裙上的褶痕皱起了眉头。

    She stood up , frowning at the creases in her silk dress

  16. 他微微皱了下眉头,显然并不期待任何人回答他的反问。

    He grimaced slightly , obviously expecting no answer to his rhetorical question

  17. 比利眉头微皱。

    Billy 's eyebrows knitted together in a little frown .

  18. 一想到要跟卡米拉一起吃饭,他皱起了眉头。

    He winced at the thought of dining with Camilla

  19. 他盯着自己的双手,眉头紧锁。

    He contemplated his hands , still frowning .

  20. 他眉头紧锁。

    His forehead knotted in a frown .

  21. 她把消息带到了,然后皱紧了眉头。

    She relayed the message , then frowned

  22. 她好奇地皱起了眉头。

    She wrinkled her brow inquisitively .

  23. 南希摇了摇头,皱着眉头。

    Nancy shook her head , frowning

  24. 我的银行经理眉头紧锁,拨弄着计算器,最后终于“啊哈!”了一声。

    My bank manager furrowed his brow , fingered his calculator and finally pronounced ' Aha ! '

  25. 她连眉头也未皱一下,也没哭。说到勇敢,她令人难以置信。

    She didn 't wince and her eyes were dry . Talk about brave . She was unbelievable .

  26. 乔治说:“艾达,你好吗?”她皱了一会儿眉头,然后才认出他。“乔治·布莱克,噢,我一直都不好。”

    George said , ' Ida , how are you ? ' She frowned for a moment and then recognition dawned . ' George Black . Well , I never . '

  27. 父亲皱起眉头,不让他的儿子说话。

    Father frowned his son down .

  28. 她朝我皱了一下眉头。

    She frowned to me .

  29. 俗话说:“眉头一皱,计上心来”。就是说多想出智慧。

    A common saying goes , “ Knit the brows and you will hit upon a stratagem . ” In other words , much thinking yields wisdom .

  30. 老师看着我的作业就皱起了眉头。

    The teacher ~ d as he looked at my work .