
xiànɡ shēnɡ yǎn yuán
  • Crosstalk actors;cross talker, crosstalk comedian
  1. 姜昆,全国政协委员、著名相声演员

    Jiang Kun , member of the CPPCC National Committee and celebrated3 crosstalk artist

  2. 贝莉引用中国相声演员周立波的话称:人们需要花钱,花了才是你的,否则就不是你的,而是中国银行(BoC)的。

    She quotes Zhou Libo , a Chinese comedian : Money needs to be spent , that makes it yours , otherwise it is not yours but the Bank of China 's.

  3. 上周四,中国颇受欢迎的传统相声演员郭德纲与澳大利亚国家博物馆(NWA)签署了一份协议书,成为了该博物馆在中国的文化大使。在澳大利亚国家博物馆举行的签字仪式上,郭德纲表示自己很荣幸能够担任这个角色。

    Guo Degang , a popular Chinese traditional crosstalk performer , signed a letter of agreement last Thursday with the National Museum of Australia ( NWA ) to become the museum 's cultural ambassador in China . At the signing ceremony held at the NWA , Guo said he was honored to take the role .

  4. 相声演员往往在正式表演之前要说些垫话。

    Comic dialogue actors often speak some opening remarks before a performance .

  5. 相声演员郭德纲也在片中客串了一个片段。

    Crosstalk comedian Guo Degang makes a cameo appearance in the movie .

  6. 戴太阳镜正站在车子旁边的那个男的是一位相声演员。

    The man with sunglasses standing near the car is a crosstalk artist .

  7. 相声演员在表演的过程中总是想方设法用笑话把观众逗乐。

    Crosstalk performers try to use funny conversations to make the audience laugh .

  8. 郭德刚已成为一位我们大家熟悉的相声演员。

    Guo Degang has become a crosstalk performer familiar to every one of us .

  9. 相声演员在正式表演之前都要念定场诗来吸引观众。

    Comic dialogue actors often recite a poem before a performance to attract an audience .

  10. 他们(相声演员)还可以稍加打扮,在哈哈大笑的观众面前演小品。

    They may also dress up a little or act out small sketches in front of the laughing audience .

  11. 这个做父亲的说:我的儿子杰克根本没有做一个相声演员的才能,可是我真是不知怎么样去告诉他。

    I don 't know how to tell my son Jack he simply has no talent as a comedian .

  12. 要理解并充分欣赏相声演员的笑话,听众必须十分熟悉滑稽演员的说话内容。

    To appreciate the jokes of crosstalk artists , listeners have to know very well what the comedians are talking about .

  13. 但要是一位有着浓重地方口音的华裔移民在美国摇身一变成了单口相声演员,这听上去更像是一场白日梦。

    But for a Chinese migrant with a heavy accent to become a stand-up comedian in the US its more like a fantasy .

  14. 他的理想是成为像朱军一样的主持人或像郭德纲一样的相声演员。

    He is aspired to be a talk show host , like Zhu Jun , or a Chinese standup comedian , like Guo Degang .

  15. 有些人认为他应该以生物化学家的身份为社会多做些贡献,而不是当一名单口相声演员。但对此黄西并不认同。

    Some people think that he could contribute more to society as a biochemist , rather than a stand-up comedian , but Wong disagrees .

  16. 著名相声演员冯巩将会举起首棒,从北京周口店猿人遗址开始传递。

    Feng Gong , a popular crosstalk performer , will be the lead runner starting from the Zhoukoudian Museum at the Peking Man World Cultural Heritage Site .

  17. 近日,中国广播电视协会公开谴责著名相声演员郭德纲在北京电视台台长王晓东因病去世时,在微博上发布的不当言论。

    The Radio and Television Association of China has condemned a popular comedian after comments he made online about the death of a former head of television station Beijing TV .

  18. 穿着衬衫西服的李强(音译)和孙敦宇(音译)看上去一点儿都不像相声演员,但他们所讲的段子却常常能引得观众哄堂大笑。

    Wearing shirts and suits , Li Qiang and Sun Dunyu look nothing like cross talk performers . But the audiences often have a good laugh over the jokes they tell .

  19. 1999年,现年52岁的斯图尔特成为《每日秀》主持人,他最初是一名工作勤奋的单口相声演员&如果有人不知道他是一名思维敏捷的政治评论员的话。

    Mr. Stewart , 52 , became the host of The Daily Show in 1999 , entering with the identity of a hard-working standup , if not necessarily an astute political commentator .

  20. 假如能够咱们也能够大声且疾速朗诵英文绕口令(就象相声演员练嘴),还能够同时口中含块糖以加大强化练习的力度。

    If possible , we may read some English tongue twisters loudly and quickly with one or two cakes of candy in our mouth ( just as the Chinese cross-talk actors do . )

  21. 1999年,现年52岁的斯图尔特成为《每日秀》主持人,他最初是一名工作勤奋的单口相声演员——如果有人不知道他是一名思维敏捷的政治评论员的话。

    Mr. Stewart , 52 , became the host of " The Daily Show " in 1999 , entering with the identity of a hard-working standup , if not necessarily an astute political commentator .

  22. 在前两年以单口相声演员的身份在美国大获成功之后,41岁的黄西回到中国宣传个人自传&《黄瓜的黄,西瓜的西》。

    After achieving success as a stand-up comedian in the US for the past two years , the 41-year-old has returned to China to publicize his book The Tao of Humor : An Autobiography by Joe Wong .

  23. 今年3月,相声演员郭德纲身陷假广告风波,他代言的一种减肥茶被证明毫无功效。相声表演有两个演员参与,他们开很多玩笑,有许多有趣的对话。

    In March , crosstalk performer Guo Degang was involved in a scandal when a weight-loss tea he promoted was found to be ineffective . A cross talk show has two speakers making many jokes and funny conversations .

  24. 威廉姆斯以单口相声演员出道,凭借美国电视剧《默克与明迪》为人们所熟知,他以自由奔放的表演风格,塑造了一名想要融入地球生活的外星人角色。

    After beginning his career as a stand-up comic , Williams rose to fame in the iconic US television sitcom " Mork & Mindy , " channelling his anarchic , high-energy style as an extra-terrestrial struggling to fit in on Earth .

  25. 第一季的核心并不只是米琪发现自己作为单口相声演员的隐藏天赋,还包括她在生活分崩离析时的挣扎:一边为自己内心热爱的事业奋斗,一边试图维持完美生活的假象。

    The crux of Season 1 was not just Midge discovering her hidden talent as a stand-up comedienne , but the struggle to foster her hidden passion while trying to maintain some semblance of perfection as her personal life fell apart .

  26. 以辛辣调侃他人及其文化而闻名的上海本土单口相声演员周立波是评委团成员之一。此外,评委还包括台湾歌影双栖明星伊能静以及台湾音乐人黄舒骏。

    Shanghai native stand-up comedian Zhou Libo , best known for his stinging jokes about other people and their cultures , was among the panel of judges , which also included Taiwan singer and actress Annie Yi as well as Taiwan musician Jerry Huang .

  27. 本文从著名的相声小品演员和他们的作品着手,分析相声小品的地域特征。

    This article begins from the renowned crosstalk actors and their work , analyzing the geographic characteristics of crosstalk .

  28. 中国典型的艺术形式是相声,两名演员用言语来逗乐观众。

    Typical for China is the crosstalk show , in which two comedians entertain the audiences with words .

  29. 星期二早上,一些相声爱好者和这位著名相声演员的弟子们挤满了这座位于胡同边上的四合院来参加这个揭幕式。

    On Tuesday morning , crosstalk fans and students of the renowned artist filled the alleyway house to attend its opening ceremony .

  30. 茶馆表演相声在中国北方很流行。相声一般包括两个穿着传统长袍马挂的相声演员,极尽诙谐讽刺逗乐之事。

    Performed in teahouses throughout northern China , it usually consists of two performers dressed in traditional garb engaging in witty banter .