
zhí lì zī shì
  • Upright posture;upright position;erect posture;erect position;vertical position
  1. 他笔直地坐在椅上。危坐、笔直地站着、保持直立姿势

    He squared himself in his chair . sit , stand , hold oneself upright

  2. 因此这些发现告诉我们感知运动对我们的直立姿势是关键。

    These findings therefore show that sensing movement is crucial for our upright posture .

  3. 双足鼠直立姿势相关因素及促直立的措施

    Investigation on related factors of upright posture of bipedal rats and exploration for measures to simulate upright posture

  4. 结论双足鼠适应直立姿势是一个被动过程,悬空食物是其早期站立的主要诱因。

    Conclusion It 's a passive process of the bipedal rats adapting for upright posture and food is the leading inducement for its primary standing .

  5. 没有,补路工恢复了直立姿势回答。用一根垂直弹簧补偿敏感元件的负荷。

    ' Never , ' answered the mender of roads , recovering his perpendicular . A vertical spring compensates for the weight of the sensing element .

  6. 目的分析双足鼠直立姿势的相关因素,探索可提高双足鼠模拟人类直立姿势效能的有效措施。

    Objective To analyze the related factors of upright posture of bipedal rats , and explore the effective measures that can improve the efficiency of bipedal rats ' simulating human uptight posture .

  7. 对比各组双足鼠存活率以及生长至5、6、7、9、11、13周龄时双足鼠日均累计站立时间的差异,评价不同建模时机对双足鼠模拟人类直立姿势效果的影响。

    Livability and mean total upright posture time of each bipedal rat group on the day of 5,6,7,9,11,13 weeks age were counted and compared to evaluate the influence on the upright-posture-simulating effect by different operation times .

  8. 一如果用一只脚站立保持身体直立姿势一段时间后你就会发现:身体为保持这个姿势做出的调整是从下到上各个部位的。

    If you stand on one leg and observe for a time what you do to keep upright , you may notice that the adjustment to your posture can happen anywhere from your ankles all the way to your head .

  9. 保持一个直立的姿势。

    Maintaining an erect position .

  10. 昂首挺立使(自己)来到一个直立的姿势,通常用于表示尊严或愤怒。

    To bring ( oneself ) into an erect posture , often as an expression of dignity or indignation .

  11. 在我们的大脑进化和石器工具出现以前,我们的祖先就已经进化成为了直立的姿势。

    Why do humans walk on two legs ? Our ancestors evolved an upright posture well before our large brains or stone tools even appeared .

  12. 她可能巢居在树林中,偶尔在树林中膳食。但是当她到达地面时,她可以直立行走,姿势与你我都差不多。

    She would have nested in trees and occasionally fed in trees , but when she was on the ground , she walked upright pretty close to how you and I walk .