
  • 网络DC screen;direct current panel;GZDW;ORO-GZDW;QJZ
  1. 直流屏的正确使用和维护是直流电源运行可靠性的关键

    Correct Usage and Maintenance of Direct Current Panel are the Keys to the Reliable Operation of Direct Current Source

  2. 新型直流屏蓄电池检测装置

    A new type battery detector for direct current panel

  3. 直流屏工控机系统中软示波器程序设计的VB实现

    Program design of virtual oscilloscope in the industrial computer system of direct current set by visual basic

  4. 说明了在直流屏工控机系统中软示波器设计的必要性,详细介绍了该软示波器的功能要求和用VB实现软示波器的界面设计及程序设计的方法。

    The necessity of designing the virtual oscilloscope in the industrial computer system of the direct current shield is described . Its function requirement , interface design by VB and program design method are introduced .

  5. 基于直流屏的电源监控系统的各模块功能划分与采样通道多等特点,设计了以MSP430单片机为控制核心,CPLD扩展端口的控制系统。

    Based on function partition of modules and much sampling channels of power monitoring system for DC screen , a control system which takes MSP430 as control core and CPLD as extending ports is designed .

  6. 仿真结果表明:准谐振PFC实现了零电流开关,动态特性好,负载范围宽,满足了直流屏电源负载的要求。

    The results of simulation indicate that quasi resonant PFC has good dynamic performance and wide load range when the IGBT operates with zero current switching . It makes PFC well suited for the transformer substation DC power supply .

  7. 直流屏电源监控装置的研究与开发

    Research and Development of Direct Power Supply Measuring and Controlling Device

  8. 智能化多功能直流屏用充电电源研制

    Development of Intelligent Multifunctional Charging Power Supply for DC Panel

  9. 镉镍电池直流屏在变电站中的应用

    Application of Cadmium-nickel Accumulator DC Distribution Board in Transformer Substation

  10. 高频开关免维护电池直流屏运用探讨

    The Application and Discussion of High Frequency Switch Battery DC Panel not Vindicated

  11. 数字化变电站直流屏电源监控系统

    Study on Direct Power Supply Measuring and Controlling System of Digitized Power Substation

  12. 一种新型直流屏蓄电池监控系统

    Supervision and control system of DC cabinet storage batteries

  13. 灰色系统在直流屏中的应用

    Application of Grey System in DC Charging Equipment

  14. 基于现场总线的嵌入式直流屏电源监控系统的应用研究

    Application and Study of Embedded Supervisory Control System of DC Screen on Field Bus

  15. 直流屏输出电压的微机调控模式研究

    Study on the Output Voltage Adjustment Mode of DC Distributor Shelf Based on Microcomputer

  16. 直流屏监控系统及其漏电检测方法的研究

    Study on Monitoring System of DC Panel and the Method of Its Electric Leakage Detection

  17. 本文总结了直流屏智能监控的现状和发展趋势。

    The paper sums up the intelligent monitoring actuality and trend of the DC panel .

  18. 蓄电池直流屏监控系统由各监控节点及CAN总线构成。

    Battery DC screen supervisory control system is made up of several supervisory control nodes and CAN bus .

  19. 指出高频开关免维护电池直流屏代表了直流屏的发展方向。

    Indicate that the high frequency switch DC battery panel not vindicated stands for the developing direction of the DC panel .

  20. 本文就镉镍电池直流屏的使用进行了研究与分析,并提出几点改进建议。

    The article studies and analyses the use of direct-current screen of cadmium - nicked cell and suggests the improvable proposal .

  21. 直流屏的心脏是蓄电池,对蓄电池进行科学的维护是直流屏的核心工作。

    The storage battery is the heart of DC cabinet , so provide accurate maintenance for storage battery is the core work of DC cabinet .

  22. 介绍高频开关免维护电池直流屏的技术特点,以及在运用中应该注意的问题。

    Introduce the high frequency switch technical features of the DC battery panel not vindicated , and pay attention to the problems during using it .

  23. 论文对直流屏的交流部分、直流部分、对地绝缘、蓄电池安时容量等提出了有效的监测计算方法。

    This paper proposes efficient supervisory measure and calculation method to A ^ D ^ insulation to ground - , ampere-time capacity of the DC screen .

  24. 传统的直流屏均采用对蓄电池组进行整体充电的方式,通过主充、浮充和均充三种方式对蓄电池组进行充电。

    The batteries of traditional DC cabinet are charged as a whole through three ways : main charge mode , float charge mode and even charge mode .

  25. 从而确定了直流屏电源监控装置以51系列单片机为控制核心,以并行总线工作方式与速度要求较高的液晶显示器及键盘等装置接口;

    Consequently , he chooses 51 single chip machine as the controlling kernel of the direct power supply measuring and controlling device and parallel bus as interface to LCD keyboard ;

  26. 确定模块式结构的直流屏电源监控装置,分为主监控单元、绝缘检测单元、系统参数监控单元、电池巡检单元。

    The DC power system is determined to be composed of the main monitoring system , the DC insulation monitoring system and the parameter monitoring system with a blocking structure .

  27. 本文重点介绍免维护蓄电池的工作原理和特性曲线,以及作者所在厂产品技术方案.通过与铅酸蓄电池和镉镍电池的比较,说明了免维护蓄电池直流屏的主要特点。

    This paper presents operation principles and characteristic curves of mainte - nance-free batteries and technical schemes of the products . Comparing with a lead acid bat - tery and a cadmium nickel battery , the paper describes the main characteristics of DC cabi - net of maintenance-free batteries .

  28. 基于PLC的直流电源屏监控系统

    A Monitoring and Control System of DC Power Source Screen Based on PLC

  29. 单片机控制IGBT直流电源屏的研制

    Development of IGBT DC Distributor Shelf Using Single chip Microcomputer

  30. 超临界600MW机组直流锅炉屏式过热器超温问题分析及治理

    Analysis of over-temperature on the platen superheater of once-through boiler for Supercritical 600 MW Unit