
  • 网络Direct debt;direct obligation;direct liabilities;straight debt
  1. 长期以来,从事财务实务工作的人员一直认为,企业发行可转换债务的主要动机是可转换债务相比直接债务或普通权益,其筹资成本更为低廉。

    The general consensus concerning the motivation to issue convertible debt among financial practitioners for a long time is that convertible debt is a cheaper form of financing compared to straight debt or common equity .

  2. 最后,在理论指导实践的基础上,本文简要对地方政府直接债务融资的风险和应对措施展开了进一步的探讨。

    Finally , on the basis of theory to guide practice , this paper briefly discusses the risks of Local Government Direct Debt Financing for further study , and proposes risk-response measures .

  3. 这包括1450亿元人民币的直接债务,其余是债务担保和或有债务。

    This included Rmb145bn in direct debts , with guarantees or contingent liabilities accounting for the rest .

  4. 改革开放以来,我国企业直接债务融资的发展在不断加快,金融市场格局发生了巨大改变。

    Since the reform and opening up , debt financing developed rapidly in China , which means the financial market structure has changed .

  5. 除一些合法的、在账面上反映的直接债务外,县级政府的或有负债不仅数量庞大,不断积累,而且越来越多的或有负债在不断地转化为直接负债。

    Except some legal debt , the contingent liabilities of town government is very serious , some of them are changed into direct liabilities .

  6. 对我国公共直接债务的内容进行分析,并提出具体的会计改革内容和建议。

    This dissertation analyzes the content of Chinese public direct liability , and puts forward the concrete ideas for accounting revolution and suggestions on revolution . 3 .

  7. 届时欧洲央行将会重新考虑是否接受对希腊政府的索偿权(无论是政府的直接债务还是担保),作为向银行提供贷款的担保品。

    The ECB would then reconsider the acceptability of claims on the government ( be they direct liabilities or guarantees ) as collateral for its lending to banks .

  8. 并认为,这些债务根据研究侧重点的不同,可以有显性债务和隐性债务、直接债务和或有债务、赤字性债务、生产性债务和建设性债务等多种分类。

    Those debts , with difference of special emphasis , can be divided into explicit and implicit debts , direct and contingent debts , deficit debts , productive debts and constructive debts .

  9. 与直接勾销债务相比,延长现有债务的期限结构或者进一步调降贷款利率等解决方法,可能更容易让选民买账。

    Solutions such as extending the maturity structure of existing debt or further cutting the interest rate charged may be easier to sell to the electorate than outright cancellations .

  10. 票据债务人可以对不履行约定义务的与自己有直接债权债务关系的持票人,进行抗辩。

    A person liable for a negotiable instrument may set up defenses against the holder who has a direct creditor - debtor relationship with him and does not perform the obligations agreed upon .

  11. 但票据法同时应考虑票据行为人的利益,赋予票据债务人以基础关系对与其有直接债权债务关系的持票人的抗辩权,从而票据行为的抽象性只具有相对意义。

    The Law of Bill should also consider the benefit of party involved , endue the creditor of bill with basic relationship and endue the holder counterplea . Therefore , the abstraction of bill 's behaviour only has relative meaning .

  12. 英国国债做市商协会(Gilt-EdgedMarketMakersAssociation)拥有直接从英国债务管理办公室(DMO)购买证券的排他性权力。该协会的诸多大型成员银行都位于往来奥运场馆的交通线上,其中很多银行都安排员工奥运期间在家里工作。

    With many of the largest banks - which make up the elite Gilt-Edged Market Makers Association exclusively allowed to buy securities directly from the Debt Management Office - dotted along the transport routes to and from the main Olympic site , many employers are making arrangements for staff to work from home .

  13. 直接收购企业债务,将危害整个银行业。

    Buying corporate debt outright would circumvent the banking sector .

  14. 即便是在一些直接受到主权债务危机影响的国家,大多数企业也对经营活动持乐观态度,尽管对利润与就业不是很看好。

    Even in some countries affected directly by sovereign debt troubles , most businesses are upbeat about activity although not about profits or employment .

  15. 但集体所有的土地不能直接用以抵偿债务。

    However , the collective-owned land shall not be used to offset the liabilities directly .

  16. 从表面上看,近期黄金暴涨的直接诱因是希腊债务危机导致全球金融市场动荡,大量资金涌入黄金市场避险,从而推高金价。

    On the surface , the recent gold boom is the direct cause of the debt crisis of the Greek cause global financial market turmoil , a lot of money into the gold market hedge , which could push gold higher .

  17. 美国国债拍卖的波动性可能会加大,投资者和交易商已做好了心理准备。此前,本周直接购买美联储债务的数额明显上升,这种做法绕开了承销债券的华尔街大型银行。

    Investors and dealers are bracing themselves for greater volatility around the sales of US Treasuries following a marked increase this week in direct buying of debt from the Federal Reserve , bypassing the big Wall Street banks that underwrite bond issuance .