
  • 网络straight bond;Level-coupon bond;strait bonds;Levelbond
  1. 下周起,美联储将开始从各机构买入多达1000亿美元的直接债券。

    It would buy up to $ 100bn of direct obligations from the agencies , starting next week .

  2. 损失担保计划旨在用EFSF剩余的2500亿欧元进行杠杆操作,与该基金出面直接买进债券相比,担保价值高出4至5倍的债券。

    The loss guarantee programme aims to leverage the € 250bn remaining in the EFSF to cover more than 4 to 5 times the value of bonds than if the fund purchased the bonds outright .

  3. 对于发行公司来说,可转换债券提供了比直接发行债券或股票更加灵活、高效率的融资方式;

    To the company , issuing convertible bonds is a more effective and flexible way to finance .

  4. 分析人士表示,允许地方政府直接利用债券市场的做法,则要好得多。

    Analysts say it would be far better to allow local governments to tap bond markets directly .

  5. 特定资产管理组合可直接进行债券交易和结算,也可通过结算代理人进行债券交易和结算。

    II . A specific asset management portfolio may conduct bond transactions and settlement either directly or through a settlement agent .

  6. 他们在现货市场直接售出债券,然后在市场中为信贷违约调期(一种金融衍生品)购买违约保险。

    They had done so by selling bonds in the cash market directly but mainly by buying protection against default in the market for credit-default swaps , a type of derivative .

  7. 他们现在正在做的是直接购买债券。麦凯还指出,有迹象显示结构性产品将不可避免地重返德国、意大利和奥地利等市场。

    What they are doing is going directly into bonds , says Ms Mackay , who also reported signs of the inevitable return of structured products in markets such as Germany , Italy and Austria .

  8. 在国外发达国家和地区,地方政府为满足地方经济与社会公共事业发展等公共支出需要,可以使用政府税收或者项目收益作为保障,通过直接发行债券的方式进行融资。

    In foreign developed countries and regions , in order to meet the needs of the local economy and society , the local government revenue or income of the project can be used as security , by directly issuing bonds financing .

  9. 基于目前中国企业债券市场还不发达的现状无法直接获得债券的信用差价,所以运用银行间债券市场来代替,在市场有效的假设下可以完全的代替。

    Based on the current China enterprise bond market still underdeveloped status can directly obtain bond credit , and so using market of the bond between the bank instead of effective market , on the assumption that market can completely replace .

  10. 此外,贝莱德还在探索直接贷款给债券发行机构的机会。

    The group also is exploring lending money directly to bond issuers .

  11. 问题在于,除了银行以外,内地组建的企业不允许直接发行点心债券。

    The problem is that , besides banks , mainland-incorporated companies are not allowed to issue dim sum bonds directly .

  12. 介绍并分析了我国化工企业直接融资(债券融资和股票融资)的途径。

    The paper introduced and analyzed the directly finance ways - bond finance and stock finance - in China chemical enterprises .

  13. 但如果直接购买人民币债券,顶多能得到2%到3%的收益率,由于通胀原因,可能会蒙受资金损失,西蒙表示。

    But if you buy renminbi bonds directly you only get a 2 to 3 per cent yield at most , so you risk capital losses because of inflation , says Mr Seaman .

  14. 直接交易市场是债券的主要市场。

    The OTC market is a main market for bonds .

  15. 在直接融资中,债券融资滞后于其他金融市场的发展。

    In direct financing , bond financing lags behind other financial markets .

  16. 其中直接到境外发行债券、股票无疑是最具吸引力的一种筹资方式。

    To directly issue bond and stock is no doubt a most attractive way to fund .

  17. 从股市传达出另一比较直接的迹象,债券利率有所下降。

    Another more direct indication from the markets of that is a decline in the interest rate on the debt .

  18. 8月份时为维持这两个市场运转,欧洲央行情急之下直接进入二级债券市场干预。

    The ECB took emergency action in August to keep those markets functioning by intervening directly in the secondary bond market .

  19. 实现的途径可以是直接购买资产支持债券,向银行体系提供低息贷款,甚或由政府向银行注资。

    That could be done through outright purchases of asset-backed bonds , cheap loans to the banking system , or government equity injections into banks .

  20. 这样做将使它们能够直接向占市政债券买家基数36%的散户销售产品。

    This would enable them to sell their wares directly to retail investors , who account for 36 % of the buyer base for municipal bonds .

  21. 长期以来,我国金融体系发展不平衡:经济活动过分依赖间接融资,直接融资比例过低;直接融资中,债券融资特别是公司债券融资规模过小。

    For a long time , Chinese financial system developed unbalanced : economic activity was over-reliance on indirect financing and direct financing ratio is too low ; In the direct financing , bond financing , particularly corporate bond financing was small scale .

  22. 对于中小企业而言,融资途径有很多种,有直接融资渠道也有间接融资渠道,但是直接融资如债券市场和资本市场的要求较高,因此银行贷款就成了中小企业资金来源的主要途径。

    There are many financing channels for SMES , including direct financing and indirect financing . But the direct financing such as bonds and capital markets are strict in entrance requirement , so bank loans have become the main means of financing channels .