- 名industrial promoter

The Studies of Sheng Xuan-huai 's Railway Thought
His motive was to prevent Sheng Xuan-huai controlling the Luhan railroad through dominating the Imperial Bank of China .
Sheng Xuanhuai was not only an important representative advocate of the westernization movement of the late Qing Dynasty , but also one of the founders of modern Chinese education .
In the early operation of the Imperial Bank of China , Sheng Xuan-huai took intervention on personnel and operation of the bank , and held the last power of decision .
It was feudal and reactionary that this text admitted holding and declaring cherishing politically , affirmed the achievements and contribution in the economic field he made in enterprise 's management and administration .
If not , we are unable to explain why Sheng , who had done so many merits in China 's railway construction , was still criticized in history hooks for enforcing the main-road-state-owned policy .
This made the Imperial Bank of China contacted Sheng Xuan-huai and his other corporations closely and made the bank can not operate according to the established constitution and system . So it often departed the impersonal demands of operation .
Imperial Bank of China , the first commercial bank in China , whose founder SHENG Xuan-huai had dealed with foreign business for many years , not only incarnated the foreign idea of management , but also Chinese conventional idea of management .
Shanghai Jiaotong University ( SJTU ) , directly subordinate to the Ministry of Education , is a icey university in China , jointly run by the Ministry and Shanghai Municipality.Shanghai Jiaotong University , formerly the Nan Yang Public School , was founded in 1896 by Mr. Sheng Xuanhuai .