
pán shān xiàn
  • panshan;Panshan County
  1. 本文首先采用调查问卷的方式针对盘山县高级中学的同学的个人的视觉素养的基本情况进行了调查。

    Firstly , by the way the questionnaire Panshan high school students for the visual literacy of individuals conducted a survey of the basic situation .

  2. 本文针对我国城乡垃圾污染问题,以辽宁省盘山县为城乡代表,对城乡垃圾无害化、资源化处理进行了探讨。

    The paper takes Panshan county as an example to illustrate the harmless and resourceful treatment of garbage from town and country for the garbage pollution .

  3. 第一,盘山县高级中学的同学们对视觉素养的了解情况很差,很多同学根本没接触过视觉素养。

    First , high school classmates Panshan visual literacy to understand the situation is on the poor , many students did not come into contact with visual literacy .