
  • 网络gaius
  1. 盖尤斯无体物概念的建构与分解

    The Construction and Disintegration of Gaius ' Conception of Things Incorporeal

  2. 就像盖尤斯说的,他有严重的精神病。

    As Gaius said , he 's got a grave mental disease .

  3. 告诉盖尤斯父王现在想要见他。

    Tell Gaius my father wants to see him now .

  4. 抱歉,盖尤斯,我们得检查城里的每间房子。

    Sorry , Gaius , we 're searching every room in town .

  5. 盖尤斯,你被上帝利用了。

    You are part of god 's plan , gaius .

  6. 求你了,盖尤斯,他是我的一切。

    Please , Gaius , he 's all I have .

  7. 盖尤斯一谈起解剖学根本刹不住车。

    Once Gaius gets talking about anatomy , there 's no stopping him .

  8. 我们必须请盖尤斯帮忙。

    We have to ask Gaius for his help .

  9. 盖尤斯,盖尤斯,他还活着。

    Gaius . Gaius , he 's still alive .

  10. 得趁恶化之前找盖尤斯来。

    We need Gaius before it gets any worse .

  11. 盖尤斯在交易站遇到的女人叫什么?

    What is the name of the woman Gaius encounters at the trading post ?

  12. 我们需要盖尤斯找出疗法。

    We need Gaius to find a cure .

  13. 我看见了他的死,盖尤斯。

    I saw him die , Gaius .

  14. 如果盖尤斯是对的,相信我,这城市将面临覆灭。

    If Gaius is right , believe me , the city will be wiped out .

  15. 盖尤斯的无体物概念就将面临解体,这一过程正好反映了我们现代人和罗马人对法律的不同理解。开放的康德哲学&重读物自体

    This process rightly reflects the different comprehension of law between the Romans and moderns . Kantian Philosophy as an Open System : Re-interpretation of " Thing-in-Itself "