
kuī jiǎ
  • a suit of armour;corselet;brace;helmet and armour;a suit of armor;helmet and armor;armour
盔甲 [kuī jiǎ]
  • [a suit of armo(u)r;helmet and armor] 统指古代军人的作战服,护头曰盔,多用金属制成;护身曰甲,多用皮革制成

盔甲[kuī jiǎ]
  1. 那名武士装配了一身盔甲。

    The warrior was equipped with a suit of armour .

  2. 谁穿著一整套的盔甲呢?

    Who wears a suit of armour ?

  3. 猴子没有任何防身的盔甲,就动脑筋解决问题。

    Monkeys do not have any kind of protective armour and use their brains to solve problems .

  4. 从前的武士上战场时都穿盔甲。

    Knights of old had to wear armor in battle .

  5. 盔甲在长廊内展出。

    The armor is displayed in a long gallery .

  6. 昔时,骑士通常身穿一整套盔甲。

    In the days of yore it was usual for cavalrymen to wear suits of armour .

  7. 骑士穿着盔甲打仗。

    Knights fought in armour .

  8. 他编了一个穿着明亮盔甲的骑士的迷人故事

    He wove a fascinating tale of knights in shining armour .

  9. 专事武器和盔甲拍卖的GregMartinAuctions就是其中之一。

    One is Greg Martin Auctions , the arms and armour specialist .

  10. 克莱尔衣服的结构就是她的盔甲,想一想麦克白夫人(LadyMacbeth)。

    The structure in Claire 's clothes is her armor . Think Lady Macbeth . '

  11. 人物的基础AC是指除去敏捷加值,盾牌,以及魔法修正值不算的并没有覆盖他或她全身的盔甲,也不能依靠误导术。

    The person 's base AC is his armor without Dexterity bonuses , shields , or magical adjustments that don 't actually cover his or her whole body or rely on misdirection .

  12. Josh提到一名战士将会依赖大量的武器和盔甲,但这就是他们预期的。

    Josh mentioned that as a warrior you 're going to rely a ton on weapons and armor , but that 's the point .

  13. 由于林书豪的中国背景,这则题为“盔甲上的破绽(Chink在俚语中,贬义指中国佬)”的报道因带有种族主义色彩,很快招致人们炮轰。

    With Lin 's Chinese heritage , the " Chink in the armor " was soon bombarded for its racial implication .

  14. 在CommedesGarçons发布会上,模特身穿类似犰狳的一层层盔甲面料装以及撑裙(外用复古风格的漂亮织锦覆盖)。

    At Comme des Gar ç ons , the models wore armadillo-type layers of material body armour and panniers all covered in beautiful , antiquey brocades .

  15. 就像Complex网站说的,你所谓的网友搜到你脸书上的私人照片,然后你就不得不去向你的宝贝女友解释为什么她穿着闪亮亮的盔甲看上去像是从GirlsGoneWild视频里走出来的一板一眼的骑士。

    As Complex puts it , " Because one of your supposed friends tagged an incriminating picture of you on Facebook and now you have to explain to your precious princess girlfriend why her seemingly straight-laced knight in shining armor was acting out a scene from a Girls Gone Wild DVD .

  16. 考虑到他显露无疑的自我推销天赋,Soghoian博士“数码盔甲里的骑士”的美誉是否还能站的住脚?

    Can Dr Soghoian 's reputation as a knight in digital armour be squared with his obvious flair for self-promotion ?

  17. 这里有BurberryProrsum的银色金属质感手包和过膝长靴,怪异得就像世界末日之后穿的某种护身盔甲;还有Pucci的金属质感连衣裙。

    Here is Burberry Prorsum 's silver metallic handbag and over-the-knee boots , eerily akin to some kind of post-apocalyptic body armour ; there is Pucci 's metallic shift .

  18. 虽然我们还不大清楚这套盔甲的细节,但是科技网站Gizmodo今年七月有机会近距离接触了这套盔甲,确任了它能够让士兵在负载更多装备的同时,还觉得自己身轻如燕。

    Not much is known about the Talos suit , but the technology site Gizmodo got a good look at the helmet in July , confirming an intention to use technology to pack more gear on a soldier 's body and make it feel like he or she is carrying less than ever .

  19. 飞天犀牛大师的盔甲上面还留着刀枪伤痕!

    Master Flying Rhino 's armor , with authentic battle damage !

  20. 我本该是你穿着毛绒盔甲的骑士。

    I was supposed to be your knight in furry armor .

  21. 盔甲的意义可不止是满足我们的好奇心!

    The armor on its own is more than a curiosity .

  22. 世上美女迷恋盔甲戎装的男儿

    And I 'll bet the ladies love a man in armour

  23. 他那一套华丽服饰穿在身上好象猪穿盔甲似的。

    He carried all his finery like a hog in armor .

  24. 他常被描绘成身披黄铜盔甲,手持长矛。

    Ares was often pictured with brazen armor and a spear .

  25. 其实打件盔甲,随便一个乡下铁匠都会。

    Any village smith can hammer out a shirt of mail ;

  26. 现在我该怎么获得武器和盔甲?

    Now how do I go about securing arms and armor ?

  27. 呃他们穿了盔甲啊

    Well , it was ' cause he got armor on .

  28. 猪穿上盔甲,仍然是猪。

    A hog in armour is still but a hog .

  29. “电学盔甲”正是出于这种考虑而诞生的!

    Electro-Armor was created with this very thought in mind !

  30. 着陆:有该能力的盔甲看起来很普通。

    Landing : A suit of armor with this capability appears normal .