
  • 网络cassette;Cassette Tape
  1. MD系统兼有模拟盒式录音带和光盘介质的主要优点。

    MD system has the advantages of both the analog cassette tape and the optical disk medium .

  2. 我所在的是一个盒式录音带让位给CD,传真机让位给电邮,长途电话让位给大哥大的时代——然而好景不长,他们后来又被MP3,聊天平台以及智能手机取代了。

    I grew up in an era when cassette tapes , fax machines , and long-distance telephone calls gave way to CDs , emails , and cellphones - only to be supplanted by MP3s , chat platforms , and smartphones .

  3. 1999年,我创建了Listen.com网站,期望音乐行业在不久之后能够将迅速发展的互联网作为一种载体,就像之前的CD、盒式录音带、八轨道磁带和黑胶唱片等载体一样。

    In 1999 , I founded Listen . com , hopeful that the music industry would soon adopt the burgeoning Internet as a format , much as it had previously adopted CDs , cassettes , eight-track tapes and three different speeds of vinyl .

  4. TCL起初只是中国南部省份广东的一家盒式录音带制造商,如今已成为首批通过收购国际知名品牌成为全球企业的中国制造商之一,该公司曾因此受到赞誉。

    TCL , which started as a cassette tape maker in the southern province of Guangdong , won plaudits for being one of China 's first manufacturers to become a global company by acquiring well-known international brands .

  5. 它像一个复古的盒式录音带,但是iMainGo便携式扬声器一点也不古老。

    It may resemble a retro cassette tape , but the iMainGo portable speaker is anything but old school .

  6. 利用盒式录音带作为媒体的声象同步器

    Audio - Video Synchronizer with Cassette Tape as Medium

  7. 我们也有盒式录音带出借。

    We also have everything available on cassette .

  8. 半岛电视台播出本·拉登录音带利用盒式录音带作为媒体的声象同步器

    Audio-Video Synchronizer with Cassette Tape as Medium

  9. 象剪报、唱片、盒式录音带、磁带和幻灯片等资料的编目方法是各不相同的。

    Cataloguing arrangements for materials such as newspaper cuttings , records , cassettes , tapes and slides are various .

  10. 为了保证速度,他们将国外最新的资料直接用朝语念出来并录在盒式录音带上。

    At speed of guaranteeing , abroad most new materials read and come out and record they at boxlike recording pull .

  11. 当你打开收音机时,你听到的背景嘶嘶声就是“噪音”;在播放开式磁带或盒式录音带时,你也能在没有声音的磁带段听到噪音。

    Noise is the background hiss you hear when you turn your receiver way up , and you can also hear it during quiet passages when playing open reel or cassette tapes .

  12. 以盒式生产的录音带立体声盒式带收录机

    Stereo radio cassette recorder

  13. 盒式录音机机芯走带系统数学模型的研究

    A Study of Mathematical Model for Cassette Recorder Play System

  14. GB/T10197-1988盒式磁带录音机运带机构技术要求和测量方法

    Technical requirements and measuring methods for the tape transport mechanism of cassette tape recorders

  15. 本文根据自控原理中传递函数的概念,建立盒式录音机机芯走带系统的数学模型&系统传递函数框图。

    In this paper , the concept of transfer function in control engineering is applied to produce a mathematical model for the play system of cassette recorder mechanism & block diagram of transfer function .