
  • 网络guardian duty;liability of guardian
  1. 促进社区精神病患者康复监护责任制度实施的调查

    Execution of the system of rehabilitation guardianship for psychopath in community

  2. 关于学校监护责任问题存在许多模糊认识。

    Many vague opinions surround the problem of school guardian responsibility .

  3. 在允许人们使用该游泳池时,酒店的监护责任该是什么呢?

    What are the likely custodial responsibilities of allowing people to use the pool ?

  4. 第二章我国学校监护责任制度状况与问题。

    Chapter 2 is the situation and problems of school custody in our country .

  5. 第二,关于未成年人国家监护责任的理论基础和现实模型。

    Secondly , it narrated the theory basis and real model of national monitoring responsibility for juveniles .

  6. 监护人尽了监护责任的,可以适当减轻他的民事责任。

    If the guardian has done his duty of guardianship , his civil liability may be appropriately reduced .

  7. 目的:调查评估社区精神病患者实施监护责任制度现况。

    AIM : To investigate and evaluate the present status of the implementation of guardianship for psychopath in community .

  8. 在监护责任上,建立监护监督制度,并明确监护监督主体以及监护监督主体的职责。

    Established in monitoring responsibility , supervisory system , and clearly guardianship guardianship supervision and monitoring the main duty .

  9. 监护人尽到监护责任的,可以减轻其侵权责任。

    The liability on the guardian who has taken reasonable care in performing the duty of guardian may be mitigated .

  10. 论监管机关的监护责任&以监管场所中的人身伤害为视角民国时期的人身保护法

    On the Tutelar Responsibility of Guardianship Organs The Bills of the Personal Freedom Safeguard in the period of the Republic of China

  11. 只有超过一半的女性说对心脏疾病采取预防措施会受到最大干扰,这个干扰来自家庭和监护责任。

    Just over half of women said the biggest barrier to taking preventive steps against heart disease were family and care-taking responsibilities .

  12. 监护人的责任主要是人们认可的而不是法定的。论监护人未履行监护责任的过失相抵

    The guardian 's duties were primarily sanctionative rather than administrative . On the Contributory Negligence for Guardians ' Failing to Fulfill Responsibilities

  13. 在此类医疗纠纷的诉讼中,双方当事人往往会就监护责任问题发生争议。

    The dispute of liability of guardianship may be raised by both parties during the litigation of this kind of medical disputes .

  14. 第四章分析了我国未来侵权法对于我国未成年监护责任的改革去向,阐述了未成年监护责任适用过错推定的必要性和重要性。

    The fourth chapter analyzes the reform direction of tort law on the issue of minors guarding liability and states the necessity and significance of presumption of fault .

  15. 笔者认为,在我国现行法律下,原则上学校不是其在校未成年学生的监护人,不承担监护责任。

    It is pointed out that according to the current laws , the school is not the guardian of the immature students , and bear no responsibility for them ;

  16. 然而,在被监护人的致人损害的情形下,因实体法所规定的监护责任的性质为转承责任,所以,监护人的诉讼地位应为当事人。

    Therefore , when the person under guardian has brought damages to others , because the nature of responsibility of guardian provided by substantive laws is vicarious liability , so his litigious status should be the litigant .

  17. (三)关系密切的其他亲属、朋友愿意承担监护责任,经未成年人的父、母的所在单位或者未成年人住所地的居民委员会、村民委员会同意的。

    Any other closely connected relative or friend willing to bear the responsibility of guardianship and having approval from the units of the minor 's parents or from the neighbourhood or village committee in the place of the minor 's residence .

  18. 本文对与学生伤害事故相关的三个问题,即学校是否承担监护责任,公平责任原则是否适用,受伤害学生的监护人是否承担精神损害赔偿责任进行了探讨。

    This paper deals with the three issues that are related to student injury accidents : whether the school holds the responsibility of guardianship , whether the principle of equitable liability is applicable ? Whether the guardian to the student who is injured bear the liability of moral damage .

  19. 孩子年幼时,做父亲的有监护的责任。

    A father has the custody of his children when they are young .

  20. 首先简要介绍了成年监护职责与责任制度的基本理论。

    Firstly , this paper introduces the fundamental theory of the adult guardian obligation and liability system .

  21. 鉴于此,本文对成年监护职责与责任制度相关问题作了一些努力和探索。

    For reason given above , the main contribution of the paper is to explore problems related to the adult guardian obligation and liability system .

  22. 再次,全面检讨我国现行成年监护职责与责任制度,指出缺陷与不足。

    Thirdly , conducts a comprehensive review of our existing adult guardian obligation and liability system , and point out the shortage and bug of it .

  23. 本文拟从监护人与亲权人、监护顺序、监护职责与责任、监护人的指定与管理等方面进行探讨。

    This paper tries to discuss this problem in respect of guardians and men of having parental rights , guardianship sequence , guardianship duty and responsibility , guardian assignment and management and so forth .

  24. 主要从监护主体、监护内容和监护责任三个方面来完善。

    Mainly from monitoring subject , monitoring content and monitoring liability three aspects to perfect .

  25. 其主要问题表现为:(一)监护人缺位;(二)监护法律不健全;(三)监护责任落实的不到位。

    The main problems are : ( a ) lack of a guardian ; ( b ) imperfect guardianship laws ; ( c ) the absent responsibility of the guardianship .

  26. 委托监护没有改变监护人的监护资格,也不能免除监护人的监护责任。

    Entrust guardianship did not change the guardian guardianship qualification , also cannot be remitted guardian custody of responsibility .

  27. 而在植物人财产监护中,存在财产监护的具体内容不够具体、财产监护责任规定不明等问题。

    While in the PVS property guardianship , there are also problems , for instance the content of property guardianship is not very concrete and the property guardianship responsibility stipulation is rather obscure .

  28. 同时,本文还探讨了监护制度在司法实践中遇到的两个问题,即学校是否有监护责任和离婚后父母如何行使对未成年子女的监护权。

    At the same time , this also explored guardianship system in judicial practice two issues , namely , whether the school after the divorce and custody rights of parents to exercise custody of a minor child .