
yán lǔ
  • Brine;bittern
盐卤 [yán lǔ]
  • [bittern] 盐结晶后在盐池中留下的苦味母液,其中包含有其他的盐(如氯化镁、硫酸镁、溴化物和碘化物)

  1. 研制了一种新型低合金耐盐卤腐蚀的球铁材料(代号NL-1)。

    NL-1 is a naw type of corrosion resistant low alloyed ductile iron .

  2. 介绍了用EDTA络合滴定法连续测定盐及盐卤中微量铁铝钙镁的原理和步骤。

    This paper described the principle and steps about continuous determination of trace Fe 3 + , Al3 + , Ca2 + and Mg2 + in salt or bittern with the EDTA-complex titration .

  3. 构建盐卤钻井远程事故诊断专家系统

    Establishing the Remote Diagnosis Expert System of Brine Well Drilling Accident

  4. 四川盆地寒武系盐卤沉积特征及找钾前景

    Cambrian Bittern Sediment Characteristic and Finding Potassium Prospect in Sichuan Basin

  5. 抗盐卤水泥抗卤水化学腐蚀机理研究

    Study on Resistant Corrosion Mechanism of Bittern-resisting Cement in Brine

  6. 盐卤除硝工艺的研究

    Study on the Technique of Nitrate Removal by Using Brine

  7. 两碱法对钛材在盐卤中腐蚀行为的影响

    Influence of two-alkali method on Corrosion Behavior for titanium in bittern solution

  8. 热盐卤流体入侵只是局部、地区性因素;

    The hot brine intrusion was only local factor .

  9. 海水及盐卤中硼的极谱测定

    Polarographic Determination of Boron in Sea water and Bittern

  10. 盐卤定向井的定向施工工艺

    Directional Drilling Process for Directional Brine Well

  11. 蓬莱构造盐卤矿区伴生天然气开发思考

    Reflections on the Exploitation of Associated Natural Gas in Salt Brine Mine in Penglai Structure

  12. 充沛的水资源为产业发展特别是重化工业发展提供了保障,丰富的盐卤资源是潍坊资源型产业的有力支撑、民俗旅游资源是潍坊第三产业发展的突破口。

    Plentiful water resources provide strong support for industrial development especially for heavy and chemical industries ;

  13. 油气资源丰富,盐卤资源得天独厚、生物资源种类繁多。

    Rich oil and gas resources . abundant resources . plenty of sorts of biological resources .

  14. 盐卤硼酸盐化学ⅩⅩ.&天然含硼盐卤的蒸发相图

    Chemistry of Borate in Salt Lake Brine ⅹⅹ . Evaporation Phase Diagram of the Borate-Containing Brine

  15. 制盐废水回注岩盐卤井采区选择分析紫外分光光度法测定岩盐中的硝酸盐

    Analysis on the Selection of Re-Injection of Salt Making Waste Water Into Rock Brine Well Mining Area

  16. 盐卤硼酸盐化学&Ⅺ.不同含硼浓缩盐卤的稀释实验

    Chemistry of borate in salt lake brine xi . experimental results during dilution of different concentrated brine

  17. 盐卤硼酸盐化学ⅩⅫ.天然钠硼解石矿物的热行为研究

    Chemistry of Borate in Salt Lake Brine ⅹⅻ . A Studying on Thermal Decomposition of Mineral Ulexite

  18. 盐卤伴生低压天然气采输中的常见故障分析

    Troubleshooting of Common Failures in the Extraction and Transportation of Low Pressure Natural Gas Associated in Brine

  19. 略论峡江地区盐卤资源与楚西进置郡的关系

    Dealing with the Relation Between Bitterns Resources of Xiajiang Area and Chu 's Going Westwards and Establishing Shire

  20. 从自贡盐卤开采论工程地质在国土开发整治中的作用

    Role of engineering geology in land exploitation and rectification & exemplified by the brine mining in zigong , Sichuan

  21. 盐卤硼酸盐化学&Ⅷ.盐卤中硼酸盐的存在形式和表示方式

    Chemistry of borate in salt lake brine viii . the form of borate existing in concentrated brine and its expression

  22. 腌制的,腌渍的在盐卤中保存过的,或用盐卤处理的腌腊商品,夏令佳肴,令您赞不绝口。

    Preserved in or treated with pickle . The cured food , a delicacy in summer , enjoys profuse praise .

  23. 大部分海味不用煮熟再吃,可以生吃、晾干、熏干、腌制、盐卤或发酵。

    Much seafood is eaten uncooked , either raw , dried , smoked , salted , pickled , or fermented .

  24. 西部含锂、钾、镁、硼盐卤资源水盐体系相化学研究

    Study on the Phase Chemistry of the Salt-water System of Western Lithium , Potassium , Magnesium and Boron Containing Bittern Resources

  25. 综述了近20年来从事青藏高原新类型硼酸盐盐湖盐卤硼酸盐化学的研究进展。

    In this paper , advance in Chemistry of borate in salt lake brines which has been studied for many years , were reviewed .

  26. 盐卤是腐蚀性相当大的介质,制盐设备的材质选择从来都是一重要的课题。

    Brine is a kind of corrosive media and the selection of material for salt-making equipment has always been a subject of great importance .

  27. 这一技术的成功,给盐卤企业采卤老井、旧井的开发利用开辟了一片崭新的天地。

    This success has opened up a brand-new aspect for the development and utilization of the old and used-up wells owned by the brine producers .

  28. 出汗是人体不可避免的现象,但只有在汗水凝成盐卤并生出细菌的时候,对蚊子才有诱感力。

    Perspiration , a barely avoidable human condition , also is a mosquito lure & but only if the sweat has marinated and formed bacteria .

  29. 江汉盐化工厂黄场盐矿盐卤水平井对接连通的成功实施不仅为盐卤、石油开采,而且为其他流体矿藏的开采提供一条新的途径。

    Successful operation of this technology has provided a new way not only to bittern and petroleum production but also to other fluid mine exploration .

  30. 随着盐水浓度的提高,鱼肉中氯化钠含量显著上升,盐卤中可溶蛋白和氨基态氮含量明显降低。

    With concentration of brine increasing , content of sodium chloride in fish-muscle notably increased and content of soluble protein and amino nitrogen in pickling solution significantly decreased .