
  • 网络profit amount
  1. 关于经济数学中价格形成的盈利额分摊问题

    The Problem of Allocation of Profits on the Price Formation Process of Mathematical Economics

  2. 苹果在最近的金融季度当中的盈利额超过了微软,并且在去年,苹果的市值超过了微软。

    Apple out-earned Microsoft in its most recent financial quarters , and overtook it in stock market value last year .

  3. 国内很多老字号企业不重视企业的无形资产,一味追求企业产量、实体规模、年盈利额。

    Many old and famous enterprises do not attach importance to the intangible assets of the enterprise , the enterprise production , the blind pursuit of scale , annual profit .

  4. 本年度亏损被不同税率机构盈利弥补的亏损额。

    This year 's deficit compensated by profits from different tax rate organizations .

  5. 经营支出在绝大部分年份都有盈利,但盈利额不高。

    The management disbursement has the profit in the major part year , but the profit volume is not high .

  6. 结果,在这十年的过程中,盈利能力只出现了轻微增长盈利额占累计资金成本的比例从2003年的16.5%升至去年的19.1%。

    The result has been that during the course of the decade , profitability has risen only slightly from 16.5 per cent of cumulative capital costs in 2003 to 19.1 per cent last year .