- 网络profit-making organization;Profit organization;nonprofit organizations

Enterprises and nonprofit organizations tend to become network organizations recently .
Now , many nonprofit organizations feed year-round from the government trough .
The nonprofit venture , called Project Include , was unveiled on Tuesday .
Profits from both ventures are plowed into Ventures in Development , their Hong Kong-registered nonprofit organization , from which they draw salaries .
But Joshua Plotnik of the Think Elephant International Foundation modified the test .
Texas-based defense distributed , founded by 25-year-old University of Texas law student Cody Wilson , has given Forbes .
This has been a big question for me , one I 've pursued together with my team at the nonprofit Just Vision .
So allied to what Mr Dooley calls " robust theory ", the participants must study a not-for-profit organisation and come up with low-cost improvements that could work .
The impression that not much is changing is reinforced by research from Trace , a US non-profit association that tracks cross-border corruption .
Of course you know Harrison Ford , but did you know that in his spare time , the actor is the vice-chair of non-profit Conservation International ?
Start with an online self-assessment or consider consulting with Score , a nonprofit association that provides free and confidential advice to small businesses .
Traditionally , finding ways to house these people has been the preserve of agencies such as UN-Habitat and non-profit groups such as architecture for humanity .
She heads a global mentoring programme for women leaders co-organised with Vital Voices , a non-profit organisation for empowering women .
The Linux Foundation , the nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating the growth of Linux , has announced that Yahoo is its newest member .
The B612 Foundation is a nonprofit that aims to finance Sentinel through philanthropy .
He tells us that Meridian Design is currently supporting a project by the Mexican nonprofit organization Niparaj á .
Last summer Brad Pitt teamed up with global green , a non-profit group , in a contest to design environmentally friendly homes for New Orleans .
Collison and McCaleb agreed that establishing a non-profit separate from Stripe to be in control of developing Stellar was the best strategy .
Elena 's parents , Brooke and Keith Desserich , have now published these notes in a book called Notes Left Behind to fund a non-profit organization The Cure Starts .
Download XAMPP at Apache Friends , a nonprofit organization that promotes the Apache Web server and has the latest XAMPP information and releases .
In 1976 , Paula Goldberg helped found a nonprofit to aid children with disabilities .
Donors including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation , the UK Department for International Development and the Wellcome Trust have pledged $ 865m to the non-profit organisation since it was set up in 1999 .
Perhaps most famous of all , the Mayo Clinic in Rochester , Minnesota ( also a not-for-profit organisation ) has broken new ground in team-based , patient-centred healthcare .
The laptop was first proposed by faculty at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) Media Lab under the non-profit organization , One Laptop Per Child .
Billionaires such as Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates typically have set up their charitable endeavors as traditional nonprofits .
Passengers have very few rights and many of the ones on paper are not really enforced , ' says Paul Hudson , executive director of the nonprofit Aviation Consumer Action Project , which advocates for airline passengers .
A growing band of non-profit outfits such as ProPublica , the Sunlight Foundation and WikiLeaks are helping to fill the gap left by the decline of watchdog media .
Hopefully in the near future myself and SCM will be partnering with a non-profit in America in order to provide an opportunity for those who want to support our work financially to do so .
She goes on to describe Gates " gift - which could have come from a particularly thoughtful uncle - of a stuffed cow , along with a donation in her name to the non-profit Heifer International
The National Sleep Foundation ( NSF ), an independent nonprofit organization , conducted an international poll to compare the sleeping habits of people in six different countries .