
yíng yú zī jīn
  • surplus fund
  1. 以美国贸易大幅逆差及盈余资金回流美国为特征的全球经济失衡,已经成为当今全球化的基本格局。

    Nowadays , global imbalance becomes the basic economic structure which consists of huge trade deficit in US and surplus capital reflowing back to the US .

  2. 美国将吸收77%的全部可用盈余资金,高于2001年至2006年之间的大约70%。

    The US would soak up 77 per cent of the total available pool of surplus capital , up from about 70 per cent between 2001 and 2006 .

  3. 拥有大量盈余资金的双边贷款机构,特别是中国的银行,正在通过提供不受严格社会或环保条款制约的低息贷款,抢走国际贷款机构的生意。

    Bilateral lenders with plenty of surplus capital , especially China , are undercutting their international rivals by offering low-interest loans unfettered by strict social or environmental conditions .

  4. 潘刚称,伊利的竞争对手从旨在吸引外国投资者的税收优惠中获益,然后利用盈余资金与伊利等企业打价格战。

    His competitors , Mr Pan says , benefit from tax concessions designed to attract foreign investors , and then use that surplus money to fund price wars against companies like Yili .

  5. 如果你在一家非政府组织工作,你会倾向于认为任何盈余资金都应用于进一步推进该组织的既定目标,进而会觉得将这笔钱发给员工完全不合逻辑。

    When you work for an NGO you tend to think any surplus should be used to further the aims of the organisation , so paying this out to employees does not make sense .

  6. 由于我国经济多年持续高速增长,企业积累了大量盈余资金;同时由于次贷危机的影响,美国经济和世界经济发展减速,使整个世界经济出现低迷态势。

    Because of economy sustaining a high growth , our enterprises have accumulated much fund ; at the same time , under the influence of the Subprime mortgages , the American and world economy has a slow growth , leading to global downturn .

  7. 如果给定国内储蓄大于国内投资,那么就必须为国内盈余的资金寻找出路。

    Considering the given domestic savings is larger than domestic investment , the domestic surplus capital has to find one way out .

  8. 广义的资产证券化是指社会上资金盈余与资金短缺部门通过股票、债券等直接融资方式进行资金融通的过程。

    The broad meaning of securitization , related to disintermediation , generally means direct financial methods such as stock financing or bond financing .

  9. 关键问题在于中国有巨额美元国债、大量经常帐目盈余和资金需要寻找投资出路。

    The key thing is the Chinese are the ones with the giant pile of American paper , big current account surpluses and money looking to invest .

  10. 它能够影响实际经济行为和经济发展,通过金融系统,资金盈余部门的资金流向赤字部门,并在赤字部门之间配置投资资金。

    It can affect the action and development of real economy sector . Through the system , capital flows from the suppliers to the consumers .

  11. 其次,多年来,中国保持了外贸出口的强劲增长,外汇储备位居世界第一,中国已经摆脱了资本匮乏而出现了盈余,大量资金可以投向海外。

    Over the years , China has maintained a strong growth in exports and foreign exchange reserves has ranked first in the world so that China has freed itself from lack of capital and become surplus which make possible to invest overseas .

  12. 作为主要的直接融资市场,股票市场连接着资金盈余部门和资金不足部门,促进资本在国民经济各部门的流动,从而提高整个国民经济的产出水平。

    As the main direct financing market , stock market is the joint of capital surplus departments and capital shortage departments . Stock market accelerates the flow of capital in all department of economy , and enhances the output level of whole economy .

  13. 一种新的债务贷款将允许IMF从所有盈余国家借入大量资金,从而甚至可以向意大利这样的大国提供临时融资。

    A new debt facility would allow the Fund to borrow large amounts from all surplus countries , and so provide temporary financing even for a big country such as Italy .

  14. 许多新兴国家拥有巨额盈余,况且新增资金可以采取让imf在需要时向成员国借用的安排形式,而不需要事先贡献到位。

    Many emerging countries are flush with surpluses , and in any case new resources can take the form of arrangements for the IMF to borrow from members when it needs to rather than upfront contributions .

  15. 到了2010年,菲律宾已经连续7年实现经常账户盈余,然而海外资金所占比例仅小幅缩减到38%。

    In 2010 , the seventh successive year of current account surpluses , the overseas financing ratio had fallen only slightly , to 38 per cent .

  16. 顾名思义,这些基金之所以存在,原因是一国的储蓄在用于投资以外还有盈余,而这些资金掌握在政府手中。

    By definition , these funds exist because a country has a surplus of savings over investment that ends up in the hands of the government .