
  • 网络subcutaneous nodule
  1. 结果SPTCL主要表现为皮下结节,单发或多发。

    Results The main clinical manifestations of SPTCL was the single or multiple subcutaneous nodules .

  2. 刺血拔罐联合艾灸治疗类风湿性关节炎皮下结节

    Effect of Puncturing and Cupping Therapy and Moxa Moxibustion on Rheumatoid Subcutaneous Nodules

  3. 临床症状不典型,常合并癫痫和皮下结节,主要依靠CT和病理检查确诊,成人剂量的吡喹酮安全有效。

    Cerebral cysticercosis is main indi - cation . 2.Atypical clinical symptom , often associated epilepsy and subcutaneous nodule are final diagnosed depending on CT and pathology . Praziquantel is safe and effective given adult dose .

  4. 应用SPA-ELISA、SDS-PAGE和IB(免疫印迹)技术对猪肉及人皮下结节内猪囊虫囊液的抗原成份进行了分析比较。

    Cysticercus cellulosae antigens in cyst fluid from pork and human tissues were compared with SPA-ELISA , SDS-PAGE , and immunoblot techniques .

  5. 脑型合并皮下结节患者脑脊液中CAg的阳性率明显高于单纯型脑囊虫病和皮下结节消失组的患者。

    However , the positive rate of CAg in cerebral cysticercosis patients with subcutaneous nodules was found significantly higher than those in cases with simple cerebral cysticercosis and in cases with subcutaneous nodules disappeared after anti-Cysticercus therapy before CSF collection .

  6. 结果移植后第11天肉眼可见皮下结节,第4周其直径为2~7mm(平均3.6mm)。

    Results Subdermal nodules were observed by naked eyes after 11 days of transplantation . 4 weeks later , their anatomic diameter reached 2 ~ 7 mm ( averaged 3.6 mm ) .

  7. 肾移植患者播散性隐球菌病致广泛皮下结节1例

    Disseminated cryptococcosis with extensive subcutaneous nodules in renal transplant recipient : A case report

  8. 患者头部发生多处皮下结节及萎缩性秃发。

    Multiple subcuta - neous nodules and atrophic alopecia developed on head of the patient .

  9. 前脑膨出伴面部皮下结节

    Anterior encephalocele with subcutaneous right facial nodule

  10. 检查她的上肢和下肢可触及多发性实性皮下结节,可活动,质软,无触痛。

    Examination revealed multiple firm , mobile and nontender subcutaneous nodules on her upper and lower extremities .

  11. 所有患者周围关节均受损,23例发热,3例皮疹,3例有皮下结节。

    There were fever in 23 patients , rash in three cases and subcutaneous nodules in three cases .

  12. 主要临床症状有咳嗽、低烧、胸痛及皮下结节等。

    The primary symptoms were : cough , low grade fever , chest pain , subcutaneous nodules , etc.

  13. 特征性表现为向心性淋巴管引流区域分布的皮下结节和/或淋巴管炎。

    The typical features are subcutaneous nodules and / or lymphangitis along the centripetal lymphatic vessels draining the area .

  14. 每天灌药一次,灌药时间为7天。观察各组动物关节肿胀程度及皮下结节情况,体重及活动度等情况。

    Observe each animal joint swell degree and skin bottom knot stanza circumstance , weight and an etc circumstance .

  15. 脑型70例,其中68例有皮下结节并存;

    Among them 70 oases belonged to cerebral type with coexistence of subcutaneous nodules in 68 , and 32 cases .

  16. 某些感染性皮肤病,如脂膜炎,主要累及这一层,形成皮下结节。

    Certain inflammatory dermatoses , known as the panniculitides , principally affect this level of the skin , producing subcutaneous nodules .

  17. 治疗失败除局部未控外,常出现皮下结节、胸腹腔、骨髓等结外器官受侵。

    Besides local uncontrol , the failure was extra-nodal invasion , such as subcutaneous nodules , pleura-peritoneal or bone marrow extensions .

  18. 8例(67%)皮肤损害,表现为充血性丘疹、斑丘疹、脓疱疹及皮下结节;

    Patients ( 67 % ) had skin impairment , appeared as congestive papular rash , maculopapule , pustule and subcutaneous nodule ;

  19. 关节外表现以乏力、肺纹理增多和肺间质病变多见,而皮下结节少。

    The outer presentation of ERA patients was asthenia , increase of lung marking , more frequent interstitial lung diseases ( ILD ), and fewer subcutaneous nodes .

  20. 结果皮损好发于头面部、上肢及臀部,常表现为皮肤萎缩、红斑、皮下结节、浸润性红斑及皮肤破溃。

    Results The lesions appeared as atrophy , erythema , subcutaneous nodules , infiltrated erythema , and ulceration over the scalp , face , upper limbs , and buttock .

  21. 纵隔镜淋巴结活检应用价值最高,浅表淋巴结,皮下结节,支气管黏膜及经气管镜肺活检值得临床推广。

    Among the various biopsy methods , lymph node biopsy through mediastinoscopy is the most valuable , and the superficial lymph node , skin nodes , bronchial mucous and transbronchial lung biopsies are strongly recommended .

  22. 主要影像学表现包括滑膜增生与血管翳形成、关节囊积液、关节软骨与骨质受侵破坏、半月板与韧带异常、腘窝囊肿及皮下结节形成等。

    The main changes including synovial hyperplasia , pannus formation , joint effusion , articular cartilage destruction , bone erosions , meniscus and ligament lesions , popliteal cysts and subcutaneous nodules formation were depicted clearly by MR imaging .

  23. 临床表现可见双手、腕、肘、膝、踝和足关节的疼痛、肿胀及晨僵、可有发热、皮下结节、血管炎、心包炎等关节外表现。

    Clinical manifestations can be seen with both hands , wrist , elbow , knee , ankle and foot joint pain , swelling and morning stiffness , may have fever , subcutaneous nodules , vasculitis , pericarditis , and other extra-articular manifestations .

  24. [目的]对近年来安康地区病理活检中所遇到的22例皮下结节型肺吸虫病进行回顾性分析,提醒临床医生对皮下结节型肺吸虫病应有足够的认识。

    [ Objective ] To give the reviewable analysis to 22 cases of subcutaneous nodules of Paragonimiasis met in the biopsy in Ankang district in recent years and remind the clinical doctors of learning more about the types of subcutaneous nod-ules of paragonimiasis .

  25. 传统的有针注射在给人们带来便利的同时,也带来了许多问题,如长期注射产生皮下结节,针头刺伤,疼痛,针头恐惧症,针头重复使用容易导致传染病的传播等。

    Although traditional needle injection is convenient for us , but some problems are brought in by injection , for example , subcutaneous protuberance by injecting for long time , needle pricking , pain , needle fear , spread disease by using needle repeatedly and so on .

  26. 结果莪术醇构建的SGC-7901瘤苗能显著抑制皮下肿瘤结节形成,明显阻止胃癌细胞的肺转移,延长荷瘤鼠的生存时间。

    Results SGC-7901 cells constructed by curcumol could inhibit the formation of subcutaneous tumor nodule , interrupt pulmonary metastasis and extend the live time of mice bearing cancer .

  27. 结果联合治疗组荷瘤小鼠皮下肿瘤结节的生长明显受到抑制,小鼠存活期明显长于AdIL-2、AdCD/5-Fc、AdlacZ/5-Fc或PBS组。

    Results Mice received combined therapy developed tumors more slowly and survived much longer when compared with mice treated with AdCD / 5 Fc , AdIL 2 , control adenovirus AdlacZ / 5 FC , or PBS .

  28. 皮肌炎伴多发性皮下钙化结节1例

    A case of dermatomyositis complicated with multiple subcutaneous calcified nodules

  29. 将该菌接种于小鼠皮下可致结节形成。

    Inoculation into mice gave subcutaneous nodules .

  30. 治疗后治疗组在热疗的局部1例(5.3%)出现皮下脂肪结节,1例(5.3%)诉有肋骨痛。

    After treatment , local fat necrosis occurred in 1 case ( 5.3 % ), and costal pain in another case ( 5.3 % ) of control group .