
  • 网络royal bank;Royal Bank of Scotland;Royal Bank of Canada;RBC Royal Bank
  1. 本文作者是苏格兰皇家银行首席中国经济学家,《新丝路》(thenewsilkroad)一书的作者

    The writer is chief China economist for the Royal Bank of Scotland and author of the new Silk Road

  2. 该公司与苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)已商谈数月。

    The company had been in talks with Royal Bank of Scotland for months .

  3. 该行高管表示,苏格兰皇家银行将继续持有所持中国银行(bankofchina)5%的股权。

    The banking group is committed to keeping its 5 per cent stake in Bank of China , executives say .

  4. 当年夏季,与投资者的紧张关系达到巅峰,此前苏格兰皇家银行开始就购入中国国有银行中国银行(bankofchina)部分股权展开谈判。

    The tensions came to a head that summer after RBS started negotiations to buy a stake in Bank of China , the state-controlled lender .

  5. 加拿大皇家银行(RoyalBankofCanada)在这些排名中居于靠前的25%。

    Royal Bank of Canada ( RBC ) scored in the top quartile on these rankings .

  6. 来自苏格兰皇家银行(royalbankofscotland)的数字显示,并不是每个人都如此幸运。

    Figures from the Royal Bank of Scotland suggest that not everyone was so lucky .

  7. 预计苏格兰皇家银行(royalbankofscotland)将是下一家达成和解的银行。

    The Royal Bank of Scotland is expected to be the next bank to settle .

  8. 分析认为,全球最严重的是加拿大皇家银行(RoyalBankofCanada)。

    The worst offender worldwide , according to the analysis , was the Royal Bank of Canada .

  9. 苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)对内部项目设定最后期限时,使用的时间单位是天数而不是周数。

    The Royal Bank of Scotland sets deadlines for internal projects in days rather than weeks .

  10. 苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)计划,到2010年,其收入的10%来自亚洲。

    Royal Bank of Scotland is targeting 10 per cent of revenues from Asia by 2010 .

  11. 另一位赢家是苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)首席执行官史蒂芬赫斯特(StephenHester)。

    Another winner was Stephen Hester , chief executive of Royal Bank of Scotland .

  12. 这笔股票出售交易由苏格兰皇家银行和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)共同操作。

    The share sale was arranged by RBS and Morgan Stanley .

  13. 实际上,加拿大皇家银行资本市场(rbccapitalmarkets)指出,债权人几乎得不到任何法律支持,以最大限度地收回投资。

    In fact , creditors have almost no legal legs to stand on to maximise recovery values , RBC Capital Markets notes .

  14. 5年前,苏格兰皇家银行收购了中国银行(BankofCHina)5%的股份,作为战略联盟的一部分。这一联盟带来了双方合资的信用卡和财富管理业务。

    Five years ago , RBS acquired a 5 per cent stake in Bank of China as part of a strategic tie-up that spawned joint ventures in credit cards and wealth management .

  15. 加拿大皇家银行(RBC),艾米特•德莱纳里:中国移动牵手苹果。

    Amit daryanani , RBC : China Mobile to join Apple carrier list .

  16. 据信正在考虑是否减持股权的西方投资者包括苏格兰皇家银行(rbs),该英国银行持有中国银行(bankofchina)5%的股权。

    Among those believed to be assessing whether to divest stakes is RBS , the UK bank which owns 5 per cent of Bank of China .

  17. 苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)在中国组建了一家合资证券公司。这是英国银行业首次在华组建这样的公司。

    Royal Bank of Scotland has launched a Chinese securities joint venture , the first of its kind for a UK bank .

  18. 汇丰银行(hsbc)和苏格兰皇家银行(royalbankofscotland)也重新审视薪酬与产品销售挂钩的政策,并做出了一些改变。

    HSBC and Royal Bank of Scotland are also reviewing the links between pay and product sales and have made some changes .

  19. 因此苏格兰皇家银行(royalbankofscotland)对政府限制奖金的建议感到愤怒,只是因为它正好是所有者。

    Hence the outrage in Royal Bank of Scotland at suggestions the government might curb bonuses merely because it happens to be the owner .

  20. 苏格兰皇家银行正准备将中国零售与商业银行业务出售给汇丰(HSBC)。

    RBS is in the process of selling its Chinese retail and commercial banking business to HSBC .

  21. 如果确实有什么担心的话,那就是人们认为苏格兰皇家银行正落后于巴克莱(Barclays)等竞争对手。

    If anything , the feeling was that RBS was lagging behind rivals such as Barclays .

  22. 苏格兰皇家银行(royalbankofscotland)估计,如果不计通胀因素,中国零售销售额同比增长18%的增幅其实只有10%而已。

    Stripping out inflation , Royal Bank of Scotland reckons the 18 per cent year-on-year increase in retail sales is a mere 10 per cent .

  23. 英国政府持有苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)58%的股权。

    The British government owns 58 per cent of Royal Bank of Scotland .

  24. 瑞银(UBS)和巴克莱已经为操纵Libor支付了巨额罚金,而苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)正在就和解进行最后阶段的谈判。

    UBS and Barclays have paid substantial fines for Libor fixing and Royal Bank of Scotland is in late-stage settlement talks .

  25. G20成员国的货币中,最有可能受冲击的是加元。参见下面的加拿大皇家银行图表。

    The G20 currency most likely to suffer is the Canadian dollar . See the RBC graphic below .

  26. 据苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)估计,出口商的生产成本与去年同期相比已上升30%甚至更多。

    There is consolation for exporters , whose production costs are up 30 per cent or more year-on-year , according to Royal Bank of Scotland estimates .

  27. 包括汇丰和苏格兰皇家银行(royalbankofscotland)旗下的顾资私人银行在内的银行,正考虑退出近半数的国际业务。

    Banks including HSBC and Coutts , which is owned by Royal Bank of Scotland , are considering exiting from up to half their international businesses .

  28. 今年早些时候,前苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)首席执行官弗雷德古德温(FredGoodwin)被剥夺了爵士头衔。

    Earlier this year Fred Goodwin , the former Royal Bank of Scotland chief executive , was stripped of his knighthood .

  29. 加拿大皇家银行沟通交流专家杨保罗(PaulYeung)十分赞同凯莉的这番话。

    Her words are echoed by Paul Yeung , a communications specialist at Royal Bank of Canada .

  30. 苏格兰皇家银行(royalbankofscotland)试图扩大在中国的投资银行业务,正考虑投资于第二家中资机构。

    Royal Bank of Scotland is considering investing in a second Chinese institution as the banking group seeks to build up its investment banking operations in the country .