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  1. 尤其战后对于皇国史观的反动下,本来那个坚信不已的神话起源基础已经受到质疑。

    The myth of Japan 's origin believed firm before was queried in the reaction of Royal historical view after WWII in particular .

  2. 战后50年代吉田茂的皇国史观成为日本政界的主流历史观,影响至今。

    Yoshida Shigeru 's conception of imperial history became the brief view in Japanese political circles in 50s of postwar , and it still has a great influence today .

  3. 吉田茂的皇国史观包含着皇室中心论、天皇无罪论、否定对美战争论、神道观等内容。

    Yoshida Shigeru 's conception of imperial history includes imperial central view , the view of Tenno 's innocence , the view of negation of war towards USA , the view of Shinto and so on .