
  1. 百白咳抗体阳性率高达976%,但抗体保护率(442%)及GMRT(18650)较低;

    The antibody positive rate of pertussis reached a higher level ( 97.6 % ), but the antibody protective rate ( 44.2 % ) and GMRT ( 186.50 ) were lower .

  2. 没有人百分白确定发生了什么。

    Nobody 's exactly sure what happened .

  3. 研究甚至还发现:平时不抽烟的人如果进食过多的高血糖指数食物,例如百吉饼、白面包、爆米花、玉米片等,他们患肺癌的几率比烟民还要高。

    Non-smokers consuming high GI foods , like bagels , white bread , popcorn and cornflakes , were found to be more at risk compared to smokers .

  4. 2008年4月6日,为配合外滩通道工程,驻守外滩百年的外白渡桥被整体移进船厂进行大修,此举引起了社会各界对外白渡桥的关注。

    The Garden Bridge which stationed outside the Bund for one century was moved to shipyard to be mended on April 6 , 2008 . It has aroused the concern of all sectors of society .