
bǎi jiā
  • Baijia;various families;the various schools of thinkers
百家 [bǎi jiā]
  • (1) [various families]∶指许多人家、家族或家庭

  • (2) [the various schools of thinkers]∶各种学术流派(原指春秋战国时代的各种思想流派)

  • 焚百家之言。--汉. 贾谊《过秦论》

百家[bǎi jiā]
  1. 近百家律师事务所被送上律师纪律法庭。

    Nearly 100 law firms are being referred to the Solicitors ' Disciplinary Tribunal .

  2. 通过研究,为全国上百家电力器材加工企业就如何面对我国加入WTO的冲击,如何面对改革,提供一条可借鉴的思路。

    This research will also provide a useful reference of how to face the challenge of WTO and innovation for the hundreds of power equipment enterprises in our country .

  3. 随着首次公开发行(ipo)市场重新启动,各证交所展开了对数百家计划上市融资的中国企业的争夺战。

    With the market for initial public offerings opening up again , the scramble among bourses has started for the hundreds of Chinese companies planning to list to raise capital .

  4. 淘宝,作为中国最大的C2C电子商务平台,已有上百家店铺接受iPhone6的预订,预付金为5000元人民币(810美元)。

    On Taobao , the largest consumer-to-consumer e-commerce platform in China , hundreds of stores that are receiving the iPhone 6 are asking for a down payment of about 5,000 yuan ( $ 810 ) .

  5. 虽然这在总体QFII额度中只占一小部分,但咨奔公司表示,对于至少9活跃卖方来说,出租额度相对利润丰厚,而活跃在这一领域的买方用户有上百家。

    While this is a small part of the QFII programme as a whole , Z-Ben says it is has been relatively lucrative for at least nine sell-side participants and more than 100 buy-side users which have been active in this area .

  6. 至2005年,DY501型电热熔融设备的用户已达近百家,并受到用户的一致好评。

    Till now , there are around hundred systems using in China , which make DY501 a very popular fusion machine .

  7. 百家增长最快公司排名:19(之前排名:3)

    100 fastest-growing rank : 19 ( previous rank : 3 )

  8. 面向21世纪发展的上海市轨道交通明珠线百家论坛

    Shanghai Urban Rail Transit Pearl Line Facing the Development of 21 Century

  9. 《百家讲坛》强大的影响力源于它独特的栏目特色。

    The great influence of Lecture Room roots in its specific characteristics .

  10. 上百家国内投资公司有时候被标榜为私人股本基金。

    Hundreds of domestic investment companies are sometimes billed as private equity funds .

  11. 它遍及多个区域,每个区域包括几十甚至上百家支行。

    It has multiple regions that include dozens if not hundreds of branches .

  12. 《新刊增广百家详补注唐柳先生文集》研究

    " STARS 100 Augmented Note Carefully Fill Mr. Tang Liu Works " Research

  13. 从百家讲坛到三尺讲台的思考

    From the Lecture Room to the Three Chi Platform

  14. 《百家讲坛》系列图书畅销现象研究

    Research on the Heated Phenomenon of Best-sellers Concerning on " Lecture Room "

  15. 国内百家兵工企业正在面向社会招聘人才。

    Hundreds of ordnance factories are recruiting people now .

  16. 与全国上百家企业商家建立了良好的合作关系。

    With over a hundred enterprises on the business established good relations of cooperation .

  17. 天津开发区近百家外资企业成为海关保税工厂

    Nearly 100 foreign-funded enterprises in the Tianjin development zone have become Customs bonded factories

  18. 百家鞋企云集西部鞋都发表《重庆宣言》抗议欧盟反倾销

    " Chongqing Declaration " Made by A Hundred Shoe Enterprises against European Union 's Anti-dumping

  19. 从艺术门类间的关系看艺术的底线唐锡阳绿色沉思与百家评点:河流是弯弯曲曲的

    The Bottom line out of the Relations of Art Genera RIVER IS IN AND OUT

  20. 《吕氏春秋》与先秦百家的思想渊源关系

    Relationship between the Sources of Thoughts of Lu-shih Ch'un-ch'iu and Hundred Schools in pre-Qin Times

  21. 本文通过分析《百家讲坛》现象来对传统文化的电视传播进行一定的反思。

    This paper reflects on the influence of traditional culture through analyzing the Lecture Room phenomenon .

  22. 消费是我们生活中的重要组成部分,对于消费的研究称得上是百家争鸣,百家齐放。

    Consumption is an important part of life for the consumer study called television news burgeons .

  23. 拥有全城百家会员单位加盟、优惠折扣众多的消费一卡通丽江电子商务平台。

    With the city hundred member units joined , discount numerous consumer all-in-one-card lijiang e-commerce platform .

  24. 科研成果:在中央电视台《百家讲坛》栏目主讲中医原理和养生保健知识。

    Research on CCTV : " column " estrade of TCM theory and the health care knowledge .

  25. 唐锡阳绿色沉思与百家评点兔子、老鼠和猫

    Rabbit , Rat and Cat

  26. 但这些符号资源在《百家讲坛》纲要式结构各部分的分布却表现出很大差异。

    However , the distribution of these resources in different parts of the schematic structure shows great variations .

  27. 唐锡阳绿色沉思与百家评点之:穿裤子的猴子

    The monkey wearing trousers

  28. 进入二十一世纪,我国各艺术门类都得到繁荣发展,百家齐放,美不胜收。

    As in the 21st century , all categories of art in China have developed smoothly and prosperously .

  29. 最后指出随着我国汽车保有量的增加,将逐步建成有近百家保险公司组成的垄断竞争模式的汽车保险市场,并提出了相应的对策建议。

    Finally , some suggestions for forming a monopolistic competition market with 100 insurance companies are put forward .

  30. 当地人称之为“动物百家”的这座寺院收养被抛弃的和无人喂养的动物。

    Known locally as Wat Pha Luang Ta Bua , the monastery takes in abandoned and orphaned animals .