
  • The Million Pound Note;the million pound bank note;Millions
  1. 这对那些号称“分娩用力不时髦”的孕妇们是个不小的打击。据称,剖腹产每年会浪费掉NHS上百万英镑的资金。

    They have launched the crackdown on women who are'too posh to push ' – saying it wastes millions of pounds of NHS money every year .

  2. 国家彩票业已为艺术行业筹集了上百万英镑的资金。

    Millions of pounds are generated for the arts by the national lottery .

  3. 而此前有128年历史的英国HJHall制袜公司为英国陆海空三军袜子已有80年的历史,此次却与价值5百万英镑的订单擦肩而过。

    Sock-maker HJ Hall , which is128-year-old and has provided socks for the Army , Royal Air Force and Royal Navy for80 years , lost the5-million-pound order this time .

  4. 知情人士透露,以向超级富豪销售百万英镑级珠宝著称的格拉夫钻石(GraffDiamonds)在香港上市时,估值将达30亿美元至40亿美元。

    Graff Diamonds , known for selling multimillion-pound jewels to the super rich , will be valued between $ 3bn and $ 4bn when it lists in Hong Kong , according to people familiar with the process .

  5. 如果我们成功的话,给你5百万英镑。

    To wire you five million in sterling when we succeed .

  6. 除了一张百万英镑的钞票,我是一无所有。

    I had nothing in the world but a million-pound note .

  7. 在2013年,这个公寓售价为225百万英镑。

    It was recently sold in 2013 for 2.25 million pounds .

  8. 房价下跌不可怕价值百万英镑的加工中心

    Don 't be Afraid of Price Fall Million Pounds Machining Centre

  9. 英格兰银行发行了一张百万英镑的钞票。

    The Bank of England issued the million pound notes .

  10. 这样的错误会给我们造成上万、如果不是上百万英镑损失。

    Such a mistake could cost us thousands , if not millions of pounds .

  11. 他们的借款总计已超过百万英镑。

    Their debts amount to over & 1m .

  12. 风吹着那张百万英镑支票在街道上跑,亨利不得不追它。

    The one-million-pound note swept along in the street . Henry had to chase it .

  13. 柯南·道尔遗物失而复得百万英镑拍卖文件书信

    Conan Doyle sale nears & 1m mark

  14. 只卖一种颜色的亚麻制品和餐桌布?这听起来不像是一个能赚到百万英镑的主意。

    Selling linen and tableware in only one colour may not sound like a million-pound idea .

  15. 价值百万英镑的加工中心

    Million Pounds Machining Centre

  16. 奥利弗相信一个拥有一张百万英镑钞票的人可以在伦敦生存一个月。

    Oliver believes that with a million pound bank note a man could survive a month in London .

  17. 这家慈善机构已浪费上百万英镑,不可能追回所有被滥用的钱。

    The charity has wasted millions of pounds and it will be impossible to recover all the misapplied money .

  18. 由于亨利手中有一张百万英镑的钞票,因此他不必付现钱,要什么有什么。不用找钱了。

    With an one-million-pound banknote ready in hand , Henry was able to get whatever he wanted without paying cash .

  19. 这个公司负债逾百万英镑,现已掌握在官方破产案产业管理人员手中。

    The company has debts of over a million pounds and is now in the hands of the official receiver .

  20. 降级意味着该俱乐部将失去数以百万英镑计的电视转播权和赞助收入。

    The demotion means the club will miss out on millions of pounds of lucrative television rights and sponsorship money .

  21. 俗话说“千金难买心头好”,但是百万英镑可以买来世上最昂贵的人类的好伙伴。

    They say money can 't buy love – but ? 1million will get you man 's most expensive best friend .

  22. 该公司去年损失了2百万英镑,今年为四百万英镑,两年合计达到6百万英镑。

    The company lose 2m pound last year and 4m this year , make 6m pound altogether for the two year .

  23. 在今后的4年中,政府会提供5百万英镑,据计划此后该部门将自负盈亏。

    The government will make available $ 5 million over the next four years , after which the service is planned to be self-supporting .

  24. 尽管在研究评估及接受上百万英镑国家研究资金方面,伦敦商学院的排名很高,但它作为知识生产者的地位仍是模棱两可。

    Ranked highly in research assessments and the recipient of millions of pounds of state research financing , it still has an equivocal status as a knowledge producer .

  25. 这笔债务的原始额度以当今的货币来看,约为8千7百万英镑。如果考虑通货膨胀和利率的因素,那现今的还款额度将达到亿万英镑巨款。

    Today the original outstanding debt would stand at an estimated £ 87million , an amount which would run into ' trillions ' taking into account inflation and interest .

  26. 几天后,地标性建筑物的修复工程在女王捐赠的2百万英镑下又如火如荼地开始了,修复后,被毁坏的深红色的客厅有了全新的面貌。

    Days later , restoration of the landmark began in earnest with the Queen donating two million pounds . After the restoration , the destroyed Crimson room had a new face altogether .

  27. 排名第五的是爱玛·沃特森,收入主要来源是她在电影中出演知名度较高的一些角色,像是《美女和野兽》(此片她的到了2百万英镑的收入)和哈利波特系列电影。

    In fifth place is Emma Watson , whose net worth comes from a combination of high-profile acting roles in films like Beauty and the Beast ( for which she received a £

  28. 澳大利亚农民正准备抵御75年来最严重的蝗灾,价值百万英镑的农作物可能被摧毁。

    Farmers in Australia are preparing for the worst invasion of locusts for up to75 years , with fears millions of pounds worth of crops could be destroyed-as Sky News'Ian Woods reports .

  29. 在戴蒙德做出上述让步一周后,巴克莱将召开预计将发生激烈争吵的年度股东大会,该行一些主要股东已威胁称,将在会上反对数以百万英镑计的高管薪酬方案。

    The concession came a week before what was expected to be a stormy annual meeting at which some of Barclays ' leading owners had threatened to oppose its multimillion-pound executive pay scheme .

  30. 英国上院维持了早些时候英国上诉法院做出的判决,即原告的可能会花费英国纳税人数百万英镑的主张“没有解决的可能性”。

    The House of Lords upheld an earlier ruling by the UK Court of Appeal that the allegation , which could have cost British taxpayers millions of pounds , was " hopeless " .