
In 2010 , Bart Chilton , a CFTC commissioner , said that he believed there had been fraudulent efforts to deviously control the silver price .
How many persons are confident of silver investment as silver price is skyrocketing ?
It is one reason that gold bullion and more recently silver prices have risen over the last three years .
High voltage electric contact as the core component in high voltage switch equipments takes the effect of switch , contacting .
Despite the recent rally in gold and silver prices , some investors remain hesitant to get overly bullish on the precious metals .
Gold and silver surged higher on Thursday , as the focus of traders turned squarely to the fiscal and economic problems in the US .
Silver jumped 5.5 per cent , rebounding from a slip earlier this week , to $ 47.99 an ounce , nearing its own nominal record of $ 50 .
While the price of gold is now well above the nominal record it touched in 1980 , silver remains below the $ 50 an ounce it hit that year .
As soon as the " risk on " mode returned to markets , gold duly rebounded , as did silver ( which has had an even more volatile ride ) .
Since gold and silver rates , like stock prices , fluctuate pretty frequently , the value of the medal isn ’ t exactly static .
Even silver prices have broken out recently from a multi-decade long slumber .
Gold bullion prices and gold and silver equities have risen for the last three consecutive years .
Pandora also cited factors including hefty increases in gold and silver wholesale prices , increasingly price-sensitive customers , excessive production and gorged inventory lists .
Everything from Oil to Silver : Are Speculators Causing Too Much Volatility ?
The fluctuating value of gold and silver . The Silver Age came next , inferior to the golden .
The grey precious metal has soared 121 per cent over the past 12 months to touch a 31-year peak of $ 39.73 this week as investors , disillusioned with the actions of central banks and governments , bought it as an alternative to paper currencies .
Because of her more demands of silver , its price and circulation were affected much in the world .
Ending the probe would infuriate some US Silver investors , who claim that a group of large investment banks in particular , JPMorgan has conspired to drive the price of silver lower .
Ending the probe would infuriate some US silver investors , who claim that a group of large investment banks - in particular , JPMorgan - has conspired to drive the price of silver lower .
It also forecasted the silver price in 2007 will keep the rise driven by the economic growth quickly in the world , weak - kneed US dollar , the increase for demand of Silver Investment , and adjustment of foreign exchange reserve in many countries .