
  • 网络The Man in the White Suit;informer
  1. 一围观的白衣男子则回应称,亲眼目睹她掌掴民警在先。

    A man in the crowd wearing a white shirt responded that he personally witnessed her slapping the police officer earlier .

  2. 该女子说:“我不是你们的执法对象,为什么限制我的人身自由?”一围观的白衣男子则回应称,亲眼目睹她掌掴民警在先。

    The woman says : " I am not your law enforcement target , why do you limit my personal freedom ? " A man in the crowd wearing a white shirt responded that he personally witnessed her slapping the police officer earlier .

  3. 整场秀的主角是位一席白衣的神秘男子,他置身于一台巨型跑步机上,来到观众中央,从而拉开表演序幕。

    The central figure is a mysterious man in white who opens the show by walking on a giant treadmill that is rolled into the middle of the audience .